Policy – Code of conduct for directors
The purpose of this policy directs the standards of ethics, integrity and transparency expected of all Directors of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd (ACIPC). This code sets out the standard of conduct expected from directors.
This policy applies to the ACIPC Directors.
Policy statement
It is expected that directors will:
- act ethically, with honesty and integrity, always in the best interests of ACIPC;
- at all times to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the law and with the princples of this code;
- refrain from making improper use of their position as a board director to gain advantage for themselves or for any other person;
- comply with all internal policies;
- exercise due care, diligence and skill;
- contribute actively to all aspects of the board’s role according to the board director duty statement;
- make decisions fairly, impartially and promptly, considering all available information, legislation, policies and procedures;
- make reasonable enquiries to remain properly informed;
- understand the financial, strategic and other implications of decisions;
- act in a financially responsible manner;
- understand financial reports, audit reports and other financial material that comes before the board;
- attend a minimum of 75% of board and/or committee meetings;
- treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness, and have proper regard for their interests, rights, safety and welfare;
- not harass, bully or discriminate against colleagues, members of the public and/or employees;
- contribute to a harmonious, safe and productive environment and culture through professional relationships.
Communication and official information
It is expected that directors will:
- support, adhere to, and not contradict the decisions of the board;
- channel all communication between board and staff on business matters through the chair of the board;
- not disclose official information or documents, other than as required by law or where agreed by decision of the board;
- not make any unauthorised public statements regarding the business of ACIPC;
- respect the confidentiality and privacy of all information, other than as required by law or where agreed by decision of the board;
- ensure information gained as a director is only applied to proper purposes.
Conflicts of interest
Directors will adhere to ACIPC’s Conflict of Interest Policy and Declaration.
In addition members commit to take responsibility for contributing in a constructive, courteous and positive way to enhance good governance and the reputation of the board.
Reviewed and updated by the ACIPC Board in February 2024.