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Aged Care Connexion

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Aged Care Connexion

Our forums are the College’s platforms to facilitate communication, share ideas, seek advice from peers, and benefit from the experience of other peers. The College has two forums (Infexion Connexion and Aged Care Connexion) allowing members (and non-members in the case of Aged Care Connexion) to post and answer questions, subscribe to email notifications, and search online archives suitable to their speciality.

By participating in the forums, you must agree to follow our guidelines – and the forums are moderated to ensure this.

We invite those working in aged care (residential and home care) to join this Aged Care Connexion forum and participate in IPC conversations and network with those in the industry.


Our forums are peer-to-peer platforms where peers can engage with each other. The views, opinions, information, and advice shared in the forums are not provided by the College. Forum participants must consider any views, opinions, information, and advice in the context of their practice and only as comments from a peer. Forum content does not constitute advice, endorsement, or approval by the College.

Questions about the forum?

Please email