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Influenza Specialist Group (ISG)

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  • #68660
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    AICA has recently become an Associate member of the ISG which is a not-for-profit organisation made up of leading medical and scientific specialists from Australia and New Zealand, who have particular expertise in infectious and respiratory diseases and virology. It is a prime source of information on influenza, and is highly regarded among medical and consumer audiences.

    The ISGs aims include:
    Raising awareness among healthcare professionals and the general public regarding the prevention and treatment of influenza
    Facilitating (and where possible, implementing) measures to effectively protect the community against influenza by encouraging cooperation between the health community, government and the pharmaceutical industry.

    The ISG undertakes a number of activities throughout the year, including a flu awareness program, and an annual scientific meeting. In addition, the ISG continues to develop a range of educational resources, including discussion papers, consumer brochures and posters, and educational videos.
    This year a translated version of its flu brochure Help Stop The Spread (a consumer brochure that describes influenza, and explains prevention and treatment in simple language), has been developed in 13 different languages. The information is available as a download from the website, or in hard copy from the ISG office.

    The link to the relevant section of the ISG website is:
    OR directly to the translated documents:

    Hard copies can be ordered from the website, or by emailing:

    Influenza Specialist Group
    For further information contact the Executive Officer, Kim Sampson
    Suite 104, 153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205, Tel (03) 9929 4350 Fax (03) 9929 4355

    Claire Boardman
    AICA President

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