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FW: 5th International conference of the Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses Association being held in HK on: 24-26 August 2012

Home Forums Infexion Connexion FW: 5th International conference of the Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses Association being held in HK on: 24-26 August 2012

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  • #69140
    Glenys Harrington

    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)


    Dear all ,

    Note below updated information in relation to early bird dates which have
    been extended for the 5th International Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses
    Association Conference being held on 24-26 August 2012 in Hong Kong.



    Glenys Harrington


    Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

    M: +61 404 816 434

    ABN 47533508426


    The Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses’ Association ( HKICNA) has received
    feedback from registrants about missing the early bird deadline for the
    forthcoming 5th International Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses Association
    Conference being held in Hong Kong from 24-26 August 2012.

    The Association has extended the early bird deadline to the 25 July 2012 –
    see details below.

    Do consider taking this opportunity to register for the early bird discount
    as an individual or a group before 25 July 2012.

    For details of the Scientific Program, please visit the conference web site
    for more details:


    Early bird Payment Received On
    or Before 15.06.2012

    25 July 2012

    After 15.06.2012

    25 July 2012

    Full Registration

    HK$1,600 (US$200)

    HK$2,200 (US$280)

    Day Registration

    HK$1,200 (US$150)

    Group Registration

    HK$1,400 (US$180)

    HK$2,000 (US$250)

    Pre-Conference Workshop

    HK$400 (US$50)

    Full Registration + Pre-conference Workshop

    HK$1,800 (US$220)

    HK$2,400 (US$300)

    Full Registration + Pre-conference Workshop (Group)

    HK$1,600 (US$200)

    HK$2,200 (US$280)

    Full time nursing student

    HK$800 (US$100)

    HK$1,100 (US$140)

    Gala Dinner

    HK$250 (US$32)

    Group registration applies for (1) minimum of 10 registrants paying by one
    payment and (2) for all individual HKICNA and Collaborating Societies
    members. A valid member number issued from the respective society is
    required. For larger groups >15, please contact conference secretariat at

    Please feel free to forward to your infection control peers who may be
    interested in attending along with visiting Hong Kong.


    Hong Kong Infection Control Nurses’ Association ( HKICNA)

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