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alcohol hand rub dispenser rack with safety locker feature.

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    Sony SO

    Sony SO




    Dear All,

    In recent few weeks, we had two incidents related to patients accidental ingestion of alcohol hand rub (AHR). The ingested amount of AHR for these two cases in from a few nips to about 50 ml. Although these patients had no health harm caused, we would like to enhance our safety measures for using AHR.

    To minimize the above mentioned hazards, we would like to know whether you are using AHR dispenser rack with safety locker features.


    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    Kwong Wah Hospital
    Hong Kong SAR, CHINA
    Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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    Jackie Miley

    Jackie Miley




    Hi Sony
    These are commonly used in the UK
    I did a quick Google search and found some advertised there, or you could
    contact your current supplier to discuss options for improvements.
    Unfortunately they are necessary in today’s healthcare organisations.

    *Jackie *

    *Jackie Miley* MSc, PG Cert Public Health, Cert Infection Control,
    Dip Rn.

    Senior Lecturer Infection Prevention and Control
    Course Leader MSc Infection Prevention and Control
    Course Leader Short Course Infection Prevention & Control

    Oxford Brookes University
    Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
    Department of Biological and Medical Sciences
    Jack Straw’s Lane
    Oxford OX3 0FL

    On 23 August 2012 14:07, Sony SO wrote:

    > Dear All,****
    > ** **
    > In recent few weeks, we had two incidents related to patients accidental
    > ingestion of alcohol hand rub (AHR). The ingested amount of AHR for these
    > two cases in from a few nips to about 50 ml. Although these patients had
    > no health harm caused, we would like to enhance our safety measures for
    > using AHR.****
    > ** **
    > To minimize the above mentioned hazards, we would like to know whether you
    > are using AHR dispenser rack with safety locker features.****
    > ** **
    > Regards,****
    > ** **
    > Sony SO****
    > Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team****
    > Kwong Wah Hospital****
    > Hong Kong SAR, CHINA****
    > Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348****
    > Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail****
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    Gerald Cha

    Gerald Cha




    Hi Sony,
    Regardless of the amount of safety features you may purchase and implement for the ABHRs, if the bottles are still able to squirt out the gel for use, a desperate patient will still be able to access the gel for consumption as they’ll find ways around whatever safety measures you have in place.
    We’re always emphasizing to our staff that at the point of admission, the nurse (or any other caregiver) is expected to make a risk assessment and from there if a patient is deemed a high risk for potential ABHR consumption (e.g. patient with a Hx of substance abuse, confusion, etc.), the bottles in the room then get removed during that patient’s stay in the facility.
    That then removes the potential risk from the picture.

    Gerald Chan
    Coordinator Infection Control

    St John of God Murdoch Hospital
    100 Murdoch Drive
    MURDOCH. WA 6150

    P: 9366 1552
    M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
    F: 9311 4685
    W: ( ) ( )
    >>> Sony SO 23/08/2012 9:07 PM >>>

    Dear All,
    In recent few weeks, we had two incidents related to patients accidental ingestion of alcohol hand rub (AHR). The ingested amount of AHR for these two cases in from a few nips to about 50 ml. Although these patients had no health harm caused, we would like to enhance our safety measures for using AHR.
    To minimize the above mentioned hazards, we would like to know whether you are using AHR dispenser rack with safety locker features.
    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    Kwong Wah Hospital
    Hong Kong SAR, CHINA
    Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
    Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


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