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Re: Microfibre cleaning cloth

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Microfibre cleaning cloth Re: Microfibre cleaning cloth

Jane Tomlinson

Jane Tomlinson




HI Maree
We have just a few months back had this roll out using microfibre with detergent, if you wanted to discuss this with our wonderful cleaning supervisor Chris Collie his process for rolling this out (07) 3636 4040 or mobile is 0429168270
Jane Tomlinson RN
CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
Royal Children’s Hospital

South Tower Ground Floor
mobile 0408 236 266
via switch 3636 8111
office 3636 7856
“Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young people throughout Queensland”.

>>> Maree Sommerville 5/03/12 10:34 >>>

The Environmental Services Team at MHW is keen to trial Microfibre cleaning cloths in clinical areas.
Do any other services use these cloths and if so how were they implemented?

Infection Control NurseConsultant
MercyHospitalfor Women
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084

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