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NEW Aged Care Community of Practice

ACIPC is excited to announce the establishment of an Aged Care IPC Community of Practice


Our new community of practice will feature:

  • Resources: a ‘one stop shop’ location to up-to-date, credible IPC information and resources relevant to mandates and recommendations in the aged care sector.
  • Aged Care Connexion: like the Infexion Connexion forum, but this online forum is directed specifically at the aged care sector.
  • Webinars: free bi-monthly web-based interactive IPC webinars, targeted to the aged care sector.

ACIPC recognises the benefits of peer collaboration. The ACIPC Aged Care Community of Practice aims to strengthen collaborations and IPC knowledge and practice across the industry.


All infection prevention and control (IPC) leads, aged care IPC consultants/specialists, public health, and those involved with IPC in aged care are warmly invited to utilise the resources, link in, join discussions on the forum, and attend the bi-monthly live interactive webinars.


The ACIPC Aged Care Community of Practice supplements our existing range of Aged Care Education:

  • Online Short Course in IPC in Aged Care Settings
  • Foundations of IPC


For more information about how ACIPC is supporting our members working in Aged Care, visit our dedicated Aged Care page by clicking this link: