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Webber Training Teleclass lecture

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  • #68386
    Jane Barnett

    Jane Barnett




    Please can you distribute the following information which may be of
    interest to the AICA members?

    At this year’s forthcoming National Division of Infection Control Nurses
    conference in New Zealand, I am pleased to advise that there will be a
    FREE teleclass broadcast which may be of interest to those unable to
    attend the full conference (link below).

    The lecture will be broadcast live by Dr Leo Celi, Harvard Medical
    School / Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA and is entitled
    Creating a Culture of Quality and Safety to Reduce Nosocomial

    The broadcast will take place on Thursday Sep 2nd 11-1200hrs NZ (9-10am
    Sydney time). For other time zones please check out the world time zone

    In order to access this free broadcast:

    * Go to the Webber training website and register (if you’re not
    already a member).

    * Once registered, you can request access to this lecture.

    * Approximately a week beforehand you will receive information
    via email about how to access the bridge.

    * The speaker slides will be loaded onto the website beforehand
    so you can follow these as you listen in to the lecture.

    * You or your organisation will only pay for the phone call.
    You can have any number of people listening to the broadcast if you are
    using a conference phone/polycom.

    * The international dialling code to access the bridge line in
    the US will be 001. N.B. Check with your telecom provider that this is
    the code from Australia for access to US.

    Please contact me if you need further information or have any queries
    regarding how to access this teleclass education.

    Kind regards

    Jane Barnett

    Check out our web site:

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