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Re: Linking of Hand hygiene awareness training to health professional registration renewal

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    Hi John, I look forward to the outcomes of your proposal.
    The online handhygiene package available for nurses could also be for
    Doctors. This could go well for May 5.
    Lavina L’Hotellier
    Infection Control Coordinator
    Orbost Regional Health.
    Boundary Road
    Orbost, 3888
    ph- (03) 51546666 fax- (03) 51542366
    work- lavina.l’

    —– Original Message —–
    training to health professional registration renewal

    Dear Colleagues

    Might AICA discuss the following proposal?

    We all particularly struggle to get medical staff to learn about correct
    hand hygiene practices. They either know it all or profess not to have the
    time etc. Furthermore in order to enforce the standard, one needs to ensure
    that the person is aware of the expectations etc.

    My proposal is that AICA (together with ASID- I have suggested this to them)
    makes a formal request to the new National Registration and Accreditation
    scheme (Health Workforce) to require completion of a specified online hand
    hygiene elearning program and assessment PRIOR to issue of registration
    renewal for all health professionals.

    Furthermore, we should require them to include safe practice of hand hygiene
    in the relevant codes of conduct for each cadre of health staff.

    Best wishes

    Dr John Ferguson
    Director, Infection Prevention and Control Unit Microbiologist and
    Infectious Diseases Physician HUNTER NEW ENGLAND HEALTH Locked Bag 1,
    Newcastle, NSW 2310, Australia
    tel 61 2 49214422, fax 61 2 49214440

    Visit for updates on healthcare infection prevention &
    control from around Australia and NZ.

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