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Re: Alcohol Hand Gel and Gloves

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  • #69387
    Lindy Ryan

    Lindy Ryan




    Dear Jo
    I have come across this so often over the years that i find it is not
    uncommon & i am no longer surprised that staff automatically think they
    can use it this way … and they are often surprised when i tell them
    that its a big No and that hand rub is only tried, tested and approved
    for use on human skin…..not on nitrile or latex and that they can
    actually place themselves at great risk by using it on their gloves as
    the integrity of the gloves it not guar rented to remain intact and
    safe with any ABHR product (as its not tested or approved for use on
    gloves) so they are not protected.
    I recently had who a very senior nurse announce at an education session
    I was running on the 5 moments that they put on ABHR on their gloves
    before doing any dressing etc just to ensure they were ‘sterilised’
    properly…………..just to be sure…… and I have encountered many
    levels of health care workers think this and that it saves their hands
    (it is not only the junior staff …its senior staff as well!!)
    so no you are not alone & given the frequency over the years now where
    staff have felt comfortable enough to ask me or bring up themselves as
    an observation (probably about 1 out of every 10 – 20 sessions I give)
    that i now always include this as a ‘tid bit’ on it not being OK in
    most of my IC or hand hygiene education sessions i give nowadays
    ….just to try to head of this practice which is quietly simmering out
    there …still!! ??!!
    Hopefully see you at the conference next week!!

    Lindy Ryan

    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Control Services, Nepean Hospital.
    Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District PO Box 63 Penrith NSW
    2751Tel 02 4734 2228 | Fax 02 4734 2517 |

    Infection prevention & control is everyone’s business




    Has anyone else noticed staff wearing gloves and then cleaning the
    gloves with alcohol hand rub – rather than removing the gloves and
    performing hand hygiene?



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000


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    Dear Jo

    I like Lindy have seen this quite often over the past few years. Initially I
    was shocked that staff had taken it upon themselves to think this practice
    was ok, what part of gloves are disposable is not understood? I also have
    taken to include this information in my education sessions – a big NO you
    cannot use ABHR for this purpose.


    Teresa Lewis

    Relieving ICP

    Newcastle Private Hospital

    Of Lindy Ryan

    Dear Jo

    I have come across this so often over the years that i find it is not
    uncommon & i am no longer surprised that staff automatically think they can
    use it this way … and they are often surprised when i tell them that its a
    big No and that hand rub is only tried, tested and approved for use on human
    skin…..not on nitrile or latex and that they can actually place themselves
    at great risk by using it on their gloves as the integrity of the gloves it
    not guar rented to remain intact and safe with any ABHR product (as its not
    tested or approved for use on gloves) so they are not protected.

    I recently had who a very senior nurse announce at an education session I
    was running on the 5 moments that they put on ABHR on their gloves before
    doing any dressing etc just to ensure they were ‘sterilised’
    properly…………..just to be sure…… and I have encountered many
    levels of health care workers think this and that it saves their hands (it
    is not only the junior staff …its senior staff as well!!)

    so no you are not alone & given the frequency over the years now where staff
    have felt comfortable enough to ask me or bring up themselves as an
    observation (probably about 1 out of every 10 – 20 sessions I give) that i
    now always include this as a ‘tid bit’ on it not being OK in most of my IC
    or hand hygiene education sessions i give nowadays ….just to try to head
    of this practice which is quietly simmering out there …still!! ??!!

    Hopefully see you at the conference next week!!



    Lindy Ryan

    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Control Services, Nepean Hospital.
    Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District PO Box 63 Penrith NSW 2751Tel 02
    4734 2228 | Fax 02 4734 2517 |

    Infection prevention & control is everyone’s business

    Description: Image removed by sender.




    Has anyone else noticed staff wearing gloves and then cleaning the gloves
    with alcohol hand rub – rather than removing the gloves and performing hand



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000


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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health
    District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus)
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