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Nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

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  • #69020
    Richard Bartolo

    Richard Bartolo

    Principal Infection Prevention CNC

    Western Health


    Dear All,
    We’re about to embark on a campaign designed to improve compliance with our dress code and hand hygiene procedures, namely, in relation to nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

    o Keeping fingernails clean and short, (e.g. the length of the finger pad)
    o Artificial fingernails of any sort and nail polish must not be worn by staff who are involved in direct patient care;
    o Keeping hand and wrist free from jewellery except for one plain ring. Bracelets, wrist watches and rings with stones or ridges must not be worn when providing clinical care.

    We are very interested to hear from any one who has achieved improved compliance in campaigns such as bare below the elbows?


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441

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    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Re: Nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery. In-Reply-To:

    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Re: Nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery. In-Reply-To:




    Hi Richard,
    We developed a handover check list to be ticked off each handover session.
    Top of the list is bare below elbow, staff do a quick ‘netball check’ of
    everyone, fingers and arms, then tick the box and move onto handover
    discussion. Very successful, now 100% compliance in the first two dialysis
    clinics trialled at.


    Carolyn Chenoweth
    National Quality Coordinator
    Fresenius Medical Care – NephroCare

    Nephrocare Payneham Dialysis Centre
    2 Portrush Road
    PAYNEHAM SA 5070
    phone (08) 81654313
    mobile 0407 810 800

    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion

    Dear All,
    We’re about to embark on a campaign designed to improve compliance with
    our dress code and hand hygiene procedures, namely, in relation to nail
    polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

    o Keeping fingernails clean and short, (e.g. the length of the
    finger pad)
    o Artificial fingernails of any sort and nail polish must not be
    worn by staff who are involved in direct patient care;
    o Keeping hand and wrist free from jewellery except for one plain
    ring. Bracelets, wrist watches and rings with stones or ridges must not be
    worn when providing clinical care.

    We are very interested to hear from any one who has achieved improved
    compliance in campaigns such as bare below the elbows?


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441

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    Joeanne Bendall

    Joeanne Bendall




    Hi Richard

    We have Clinical Support Officers who perform monthly audits in clinical areas for the last 3 years (developed by my predecessor). We have fed the results back to staff with the hand hygiene audits results and this has made some changes. The difficult change has been with staff continuing to wear wrist watches. The Executive, for recognition of Nurses on International Nurses Day, presented Nurses with a fobwatch (hospital name on it). This has proved very successful with making a significant change and boosted moral at the same time.

    I am happy to supply you with details of the company as we received an excellent deal!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    Macquarie St

    Hi Richard,
    We developed a handover check list to be ticked off each handover session. Top of the list is bare below elbow, staff do a quick ‘netball check’ of everyone, fingers and arms, then tick the box and move onto handover discussion. Very successful, now 100% compliance in the first two dialysis clinics trialled at.


    Carolyn Chenoweth
    National Quality Coordinator
    Fresenius Medical Care – NephroCare

    Nephrocare Payneham Dialysis Centre
    2 Portrush Road
    PAYNEHAM SA 5070
    phone (08) 81654313
    mobile 0407 810 800

    Sent by: ACIPC Infexion Connexion

    Dear All,
    We’re about to embark on a campaign designed to improve compliance with our dress code and hand hygiene procedures, namely, in relation to nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

    o Keeping fingernails clean and short, (e.g. the length of the finger pad)
    o Artificial fingernails of any sort and nail polish must not be worn by staff who are involved in direct patient care;
    o Keeping hand and wrist free from jewellery except for one plain ring. Bracelets, wrist watches and rings with stones or ridges must not be worn when providing clinical care.

    We are very interested to hear from any one who has achieved improved compliance in campaigns such as bare below the elbows?


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441

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    Barbara Elliott

    Barbara Elliott




    We have a “Bare Below the Elbows” policy which includes no wearing of nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery (plain wedding bands permitted). Compliance for the most part is good, although we do on occasions need to remind people.
    Happy to share if required

    Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital
    Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
    P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:

    >>> “Bartolo, Richard” 22/05/2012 1:32 PM >>>
    Dear All,
    We’re about to embark on a campaign designed to improve compliance with our dress code and hand hygiene procedures, namely, in relation to nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

    o Keeping fingernails clean and short, (e.g. the length of the finger pad)
    o Artificial fingernails of any sort and nail polish must not be worn by staff who are involved in direct patient care;
    o Keeping hand and wrist free from jewellery except for one plain ring. Bracelets, wrist watches and rings with stones or ridges must not be worn when providing clinical care.

    We are very interested to hear from any one who has achieved improved compliance in campaigns such as bare below the elbows?


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441

    This email (and any attachment) is for the exclusive use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or protected by copyrights. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering this email to the addressee, you must not disclose, distribute, print or copy this email and the contents must be kept strictly confidential. If this email has been sent to you in error, kindly notify us immediately on 03 8345 56113 and destroy the original. Electronic mail is not secure and there is also a risk that it may be corrupted in transmission. It is therefore your responsibility to check this email (and any attachment) carefully and if there are any errors to contact us immediately. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by such lack of security or transmission errors.

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    Gourley, Nicole (Health)

    Gourley, Nicole (Health)





    We have included a bare below the elbows audit onto the local ward audit schedules to assist with improving compliance. This promotes local ownership and provides timely feedback to the Ward CSCs. We also now provide nurses with fob watches as part of their uniform.


    Nicole Gourley
    Infection Control CPC

    Modbury Hospital
    Infection Prevention and Control Service
    Smart Road, Modbury, SA 5092

    08 8161 2000 pager 40073

    Available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays

    Hand Hygiene
    …… It’s everyones business

    —–Original Message—–

    Dear All,
    We’re about to embark on a campaign designed to improve compliance with our dress code and hand hygiene procedures, namely, in relation to nail polish, artificial nails and jewellery.

    o Keeping fingernails clean and short, (e.g. the length of the finger pad)
    o Artificial fingernails of any sort and nail polish must not be worn by staff who are involved in direct patient care;
    o Keeping hand and wrist free from jewellery except for one plain ring. Bracelets, wrist watches and rings with stones or ridges must not be worn when providing clinical care.

    We are very interested to hear from any one who has achieved improved compliance in campaigns such as bare below the elbows?


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441

    This email (and any attachment) is for the exclusive use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or protected by copyrights. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering this email to the addressee, you must not disclose, distribute, print or copy this email and the contents must be kept strictly confidential. If this email has been sent to you in error, kindly notify us immediately on 03 8345 56113 and destroy the original. Electronic mail is not secure and there is also a risk that it may be corrupted in transmission. It is therefore your responsibility to check this email (and any attachment) carefully and if there are any errors to contact us immediately. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by such lack of security or transmission errors.

    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of ACIPC.

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