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    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Link nurse education MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=”=_alternative 0034F8BBE9257A9E_=” Message-ID:

    Carolyn.Chenoweth@FMC-ASIA.COM Subject: Link nurse education MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=”=_alternative 0034F8BBE9257A9E_=” Message-ID:




    HI All,
    I am developing an Infection Prevention & Control portfolio which a link
    nurse in each of our dialysis clinics will manage.
    I have a few questions
    1. What training do your link nurses have to manage IPC portfolios?
    2. What tasks are included in the portfolio?
    3. How much time are they given to manage the portfolios?
    4. What short infection control courses are available for the private
    sector in each of the States and Territories?

    With best regards
    Carolyn Chenoweth
    National Quality Coordinator

    Fresenius Medical Care Australia Pty Ltd.
    Payneham Dialysis Clinic, 2 Portrush Road,
    SA 5070 Adelaide
    T: +61 8 8165 4313
    F: +61 8 8336 4833
    M: +61 0 407 810 800

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    John Ferguson

    John Ferguson




    Hi Carolyn
    We have a 1 week divided course for Link nurses- Sandy Berenger can give you an overview of the course content. We are discussing a shorter version of the course

    Our current service agreement specifies three focus areas for link nurses
    – Hand hygiene
    – IV devices
    – Environmental hygiene

    Our core role statement is like this in the service agreement that management sign up to

    Kind regards

    F. Infection Prevention and Control Liaison Nurse: Core Role Statement

    1. Hand Hygiene
    Infection Prevention and Control Liaison (ICL) staff member should be a HHA credentialed hand hygiene compliance auditor.
    Responsible for attending the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene compliance audit in accordance with the Hand Hygiene Australia program, three times per calendar year. In most circumstances, the ICL person would audit a single clinical area within your facility (which may not be their own area- cross auditing is encouraged).
    In the event of audit compliance less than 70%, then additional activities and audits may be required in line with a locally driven quality improvement process.

    Critical issues to reinforce with staff throughout the year:
    Encourage use of hand moisturiser regularly by staff
    Alerts NUM or equivalent about staff with complex rings, artificial nails etc
    Staff with dermatitis; facilitate referral to Staff Health person if required (liaise with the NUM)
    Ensure with the Manager constant availability/supply of alcohol hand rub with clearance of nozzles as necessary etc

    2. Intravenous Device management
    Ensuring relevant policies, fact sheets, display posters and procedures relating to IV devices are readily available to all staff involved in their management;
    Together with the NUM, actively remind staff to assess, report and document the condition of all IV devices in accord with policy
    Conduct monthly audit of IV device compliance

    Critical issues for focus:
    Ambulance and/or cubital fossa cannulae must replace these ASAP or remove when patients condition is stable
    Use of single patient use adhesive tape rolls
    Use of single patient use tourniquets
    Use of correct antiseptic for skin disinfection prior to insertion

    3. Environmental management
    To enable cleaning to be performed to adequate standard, all clinical areas must reduce clutter on an ongoing basis.
    The IP&C liaison staff member should work with the manager and staff of the ward / department / facility to establish a routine for cleaning and designating labelled sites for storing forms, medical devices and equipment, allowing more effective environmental cleaning to be carried out.
    House rules (see draft example below) should be developed and discussed amongst staff and then implemented by the NUM/Manager. These rules should additionally specify whose responsibility it is for daily cleanup and cleaning of shared clinical areas. The NUM should engage with CMOs and resident medical staff (if present) and ask them to share the responsibility for maintaining of a safe environment.

    Critical issues for focus
    Remove ad hoc unlaminated notices stuck to walls and desks etc
    Regular cleaning/disinfection of keyboards, computer mice and boxes and leads
    State of bedside charts – should not be cracked, peeling or stuck down with adhesive tape. Should be disinfected after patient discharge. Should remain at the bedside or outside the room and not in common clinical areas
    Monitoring of IV trolleys – no reused adhesive surgical tapes, proper management of tourniquets. Availability of large alcohol wipes on trolley for routine disinfection. Availability of correct antiseptic for skin insertion site disinfection
    Patient monitoring equipment (BP/PS02) trolleys; Availability of large alcohol wipes on trolley for routine disinfection.
    Monitor intact surfaces of mattresses / bedside chairs / pillows etc.

    Dr John Ferguson
    Director, Infection Prevention & Control, Hunter New England Health
    Tel 61 2 4921 4444 | Fax 61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 | |


    HI All,
    I am developing an Infection Prevention & Control portfolio which a link nurse in each of our dialysis clinics will manage.
    I have a few questions
    1. What training do your link nurses have to manage IPC portfolios?
    2. What tasks are included in the portfolio?
    3. How much time are they given to manage the portfolios?
    4. What short infection control courses are available for the private sector in each of the States and Territories?

    With best regards
    Carolyn Chenoweth
    National Quality Coordinator

    Fresenius Medical Care Australia Pty Ltd.
    Payneham Dialysis Clinic, 2 Portrush Road,
    SA 5070 Adelaide
    T: +61 8 8165 4313
    F: +61 8 8336 4833
    M: +61 0 407 810 800

    THE RENAL COMPANY – A Lifelong Commitment

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