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INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOICES OF AICA TELECLASS – an update on the structural change

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  • #68597
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman





    Phil Russo (Chair of NCSC)

    This session is kindly supported and broadcast by Webber training and is available to all AICA members free of charge.

    Objectives for this session are to:
    Provide AICA members with an update on progress of the NCSC on the draft structure of a new national body
    Highlight member benefits and organisational efficiencies identified in a national structure
    Discuss outline for progressing draft structure

    To register for this event you must do the following:
    1.Register for Webber Teleclass events via the website or by following the instructions in the attachment available on the AICA website
    2.Follow the instructions in Attachment #2. on AICA website. How to register for a Teleclass
    3.Choose the AICA session scheduled for May 9th and register for this event. There are many other teleclass lectures in the 2011 series, many of which are free-registration so it might be worthwhile registering for those as well.
    4.You will be registered for the AICA telelcalss and will receive a confirmation and tax invoice totaling $0.00 (free event)
    5.Two days before the teleclass date you will receive an e-mail that will direct you to download handouts and slides to use during the event. Teleclass recordings are posted to the web site usually within hours of the live teleclass.

    Dial in instructions on the day:
    PIN Code: 2011#
    Please call 5-10 minutes before the start of the teleclass.
    When you connect you are welcome to say hi, or go straight to mute
    Please use *6 or your mute button to put your phone on mute

    Question time:
    Please email any questions you would like the presenters to answer before or during the teleclass. Questions should be sent to At the conclusion of the presentations the questions will be read out to the participants and answered by either members of the NCSC or the AICA President as appropriate.

    Why should I tune in?
    This is your Association that you pay to be a member of. Your feedback and support is vital to the success in the proposed changes. Dial in to find out how activities of the NCSC are progressing and to be brought up to speed on what is happening with your Association. Questions of the presenters are encouraged.

    Claire Boardman
    B. App Sc (Nsg), Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    President, AICA

    Queensland 4001

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