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IC staffing ratios

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  • #69339
    Gerald Cha

    Gerald Cha




    Dear all,
    I’m keen to know what are the current Infection Control staffing ratios utilised by hospitals with 300-400 beds (happy for those with more beds to respond to this as well).
    If you could specify your:
    – number of beds:
    – FTE:
    (Does this include an immunisation nurse? Y/N)
    (If yes, please specify that FTE: )
    I’ve seen various reports specifying ideal IC staff to bed ratios but would be keen to know what’s actually happening at ground level.
    Thank you.

    Gerald Chan
    Coordinator Infection Control

    St John of God Murdoch Hospital
    100 Murdoch Drive
    MURDOCH. WA 6150

    P: 9366 1552
    M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
    F: 9311 4685
    W: ( ) ( )

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    Jayne OConnor

    Jayne OConnor




    Hi Gerald,

    We are a 350 bed private facility with two FTEs for IPC and 1 FTE for
    staff health who carries out immunisations for the facility along with
    other duties e.g. NSI, body substance exposures.

    Hope this helps

    Kind Regards

    Jayne O’Connor RN, BSc


    Sydney Adventist Hospital


    NSW 2076


    Behalf Of Gerald Chan

    Dear all,

    I’m keen to know what are the current Infection Control staffing ratios
    utilised by hospitals with 300-400 beds (happy for those with more beds
    to respond to this as well).

    If you could specify your:

    – number of beds:

    – FTE:

    (Does this include an immunisation nurse? Y/N)

    (If yes, please specify that FTE: )

    I’ve seen various reports specifying ideal IC staff to bed ratios but
    would be keen to know what’s actually happening at ground level.

    Thank you.



    Gerald Chan

    Coordinator Infection Control

    St John of God Murdoch Hospital
    100 Murdoch Drive
    MURDOCH. WA 6150

    P: 9366 1552

    M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
    F: 9311 4685





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    Richard Bartolo

    Richard Bartolo

    Principal Infection Prevention CNC

    Western Health


    Hi Gerald,
    I think this would be valuable information for all of us within Infection Prevention, and would appreciate more responses from our colleagues across Australia.
    At Western Health Victoria:
    Western Hospital 360 beds, 2.9 FTE
    Sunshine Hospital 426 beds, 1.0 FTE
    Williamstown Hospital 90 beds, 0.6 FTE
    Sunbury Day Hospital 27 beds, 0.2 FTE
    Reg Geary nursing home 30 high care beds
    Hazeldean Transition Care 30 beds.
    Total of 5.7 FTE for 963 beds including 1 FTE Hand Hygiene Nurse, we do the influenza vaccinations annually and all NSI management.
    Thanks for raising this matter.
    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health
    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441


    This email (and any attachment) is for the exclusive use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or protected by copyrights. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering this email to the addressee, you must not disclose, distribute, print or copy this email and the contents must be kept strictly confidential. If this email has been sent to you in error, kindly notify us immediately on 03 8345 56113 and destroy the original. Electronic mail is not secure and there is also a risk that it may be corrupted in transmission. It is therefore your responsibility to check this email (and any attachment) carefully and if there are any errors to contact us immediately. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by such lack of security or transmission errors.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Jayne O’Connor
    Sent: Wednesday, 5 September 2012 3:58 PM
    Subject: Re: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] IC staffing ratios

    Hi Gerald,
    We are a 350 bed private facility with two FTEs for IPC and 1 FTE for staff health who carries out immunisations for the facility along with other duties e.g. NSI, body substance exposures.
    Hope this helps
    Kind Regards
    Jayne OConnor RN, BSc
    Sydney Adventist Hospital
    NSW 2076
    Tel: 02 9487 9433
    Mob: 0406 752 685

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Gerald Chan
    Sent: Wednesday, 5 September 2012 3:28 PM
    Subject: IC staffing ratios

    Dear all,

    I’m keen to know what are the current Infection Control staffing ratios utilised by hospitals with 300-400 beds (happy for those with more beds to respond to this as well).

    If you could specify your:
    – number of beds:
    – FTE:
    (Does this include an immunisation nurse? Y/N)
    (If yes, please specify that FTE: )

    I’ve seen various reports specifying ideal IC staff to bed ratios but would be keen to know what’s actually happening at ground level.

    Thank you.


    Gerald Chan
    Coordinator Infection Control

    St John of God Murdoch Hospital
    100 Murdoch Drive
    MURDOCH. WA 6150

    P: 9366 1552
    M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
    F: 9311 4685




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    48 beds licensed for 72. 8 hours per week.

    Liz Vanderlinde
    Infection Control Officer
    North West Private Hospital

    Brickport Road, Burnie TAS 7320, Australia
    T +61 3 6432 6022 F +61 3 6431 6158
    E W

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    Behalf Of Helen Scott

    Our facility is 109 beds; my hours are 14 per week (not sure what FTE
    that is) and I also do staff health (includes immunisation) in those 14

    Helen Scott
    Clinical Nurse Specialist |
    Infection Control |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 6/09/2012 at 9:32 am, in message
    “Bartolo, Richard” wrote:

    Hi Gerald,

    I think this would be valuable information for all of us within
    Infection Prevention, and would appreciate more responses from our
    colleagues across Australia.

    At Western Health Victoria:

    Western Hospital – 360 beds, 2.9 FTE

    Sunshine Hospital – 426 beds, 1.0 FTE

    Williamstown Hospital – 90 beds, 0.6 FTE

    Sunbury Day Hospital – 27 beds, 0.2 FTE

    Reg Geary nursing home – 30 high care beds

    Hazeldean Transition Care – 30 beds.

    Total of 5.7 FTE for 963 beds including 1 FTE Hand Hygiene Nurse, we do
    the influenza vaccinations annually and all NSI management.

    Thanks for raising this matter.


    Richard Bartolo
    Manager Infection Prevention

    Western Health

    Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011
    Tel. 03 8345 6113
    Pager. 03 8345 6666 No. 506
    Mob. 0438 560 441



    This email (and any attachment) is for the exclusive use of the
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    Behalf Of Jayne O’Connor

    Hi Gerald,

    We are a 350 bed private facility with two FTEs for IPC and 1 FTE for
    staff health who carries out immunisations for the facility along with
    other duties e.g. NSI, body substance exposures.

    Hope this helps

    Kind Regards

    Jayne O’Connor RN, BSc


    Sydney Adventist Hospital


    NSW 2076


    Behalf Of Gerald Chan

    Dear all,

    I’m keen to know what are the current Infection Control staffing ratios
    utilised by hospitals with 300-400 beds (happy for those with more beds
    to respond to this as well).

    If you could specify your:

    – number of beds:

    – FTE:

    (Does this include an immunisation nurse? Y/N)

    (If yes, please specify that FTE: )

    I’ve seen various reports specifying ideal IC staff to bed ratios but
    would be keen to know what’s actually happening at ground level.

    Thank you.



    Gerald Chan

    Coordinator Infection Control

    St John of God Murdoch Hospital
    100 Murdoch Drive
    MURDOCH. WA 6150

    P: 9366 1552

    M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
    F: 9311 4685





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