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Call for representation – AICA/ASID position paper CAUTI

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  • #68444
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Members of AICA are invited to contribute to an AICA/ASID postion paper on the prevention of CAUTI.

    Brett Mitchell (TIPCU) has commenced work from a Tasmanian perspective but wishes to incorporate the opinions and expertise of AICA and ASID members in the writing of a final document which will be an AICA/ASID joint position paper on CAUTI.

    AICA is seeking two individuals who are interested and willing to represent AICA and in doing so co-author a paper that will later be sent out to the membership for final comment and review.

    If you would like to be part of the document writing please send an expression of interest via email to: no later than Friday 24th September


    Claire Boardman
    President AICA

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