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Breast milk donor banks

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  • #68547
    Jane Barnett

    Jane Barnett





    I’d be very interested to know what protocols are in place in Australian
    hospitals where breast milk donor banks exist. Our neonatal unit is in
    the process of setting up a bank and all milk will be pasteurised;
    however, I would like to know what advise is given to mothers regarding
    the cleaning or disinfection of the breast pump equipment at home.


    Jane Barnett

    CNS IP&C Christchurch Women’s Hospital


    Check out our web site:

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    Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Breast milk donor banks In-Reply-To:

    Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Breast milk donor banks In-Reply-To:




    Dear Jane

    Can I suggest you contact Ms Milena Canil, Manager, Policy Instruments and
    Compliance Unit at the Department of Health Victoria Australia.

    There are ongoing discussions about the
    setting up of a breast milk bank here in Victoria and she would be able to
    give you some information about this.

    You could also contact Ms Bernadette Kennedy who has responsibility for
    infection prevention and control within the acute public hospital sector

    NB Please note the change in the email address to:

    Michele Cullen | Infection Control Consultant | Communicable Disease
    Prevention and Control | Health Protection
    Department of Health | Level 14, 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
    t. 1300 651 160 (03 9096 5094) | f. 03 9096 9174 | e. |

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    | From: |
    |Jane Barnett |
    | To: |
    | Date: |
    |01/02/2011 09:06 AM |
    | Subject: |
    |Breast milk donor banks |
    | Sent by: |
    |AICA Infexion Connexion |

    Id be very interested to know what protocols are in place in Australian
    hospitals where breast milk donor banks exist. Our neonatal unit is in the
    process of setting up a bank and all milk will be pasteurised; however, I
    would like to know what advise is given to mothers regarding the cleaning
    or disinfection of the breast pump equipment at home.
    Jane Barnett
    CNS IP&C Christchurch Womens Hospital

    Check out our web site:

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    Toni Schouten

    Toni Schouten




    At RPAH NICU we have a breast milk bank.
    Suggested contact would be A/Prof Sandie Bredemeyer who is the Clinical
    Nurse Consultant for Neonatology and had a lot to do with the setting up
    of this program here.
    Her number is +61 2 95158923.
    Toni Schouten CICP
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
    Level 7, KGV Building
    Missenden Road
    Camperdown NSW 2050

    Behalf Of Jane Barnett
    I’d be very interested to know what protocols are in place in Australian
    hospitals where breast milk donor banks exist. Our neonatal unit is in
    the process of setting up a bank and all milk will be pasteurised;
    however, I would like to know what advise is given to mothers regarding
    the cleaning or disinfection of the breast pump equipment at home.
    Jane Barnett
    CNS IP&C Christchurch Women’s Hospital

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    Maree Sommerville

    Maree Sommerville




    The hospital I work for is about to launch a Breast Milk Donor Bank.
    The launch is imminent. We have just finalised the policy for cleaning
    and storage of bottles and equipment.

    Generally, all equipment is manually washed and then processed in washer
    for thermal disinfection. The washer/disinfector has a printout that is
    evidence the cycle has reached thermal disinfection (final rinse: >90
    degrees for 1 min). The items are stored clean in a plastic bag, sealed
    and dated with sticker “Washed and disinfected”.

    Happy to discuss further.

    Maree Sommerville

    Infection Control Nurse Consultant

    Mercy Hospital for Women

    163 Studley Road

    Heidelberg 3084


    —–Original Message—–
    Behalf Of Jane Barnett


    I’d be very interested to know what protocols are in place in Australian
    hospitals where breast milk donor banks exist. Our neonatal unit is in
    the process of setting up a bank and all milk will be pasteurised;
    however, I would like to know what advise is given to mothers regarding
    the cleaning or disinfection of the breast pump equipment at home.


    Jane Barnett

    CNS IP&C Christchurch Women’s Hospital


    Check out our web site:

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    Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Breast milk donor banks In-Reply-To:

    Michele.Cullen@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Breast milk donor banks In-Reply-To:




    Dear All,

    Following on form this thread I came
    across these guidelines from the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality
     which may be of interest/use

    Guideline Title

    Donor breast milk banks: the operation
    of donor milk bank services.

    Powerpoint presentation,1,Slide



    Glenys Harrington, Infection
    Control Consultant
    Disease Prevention and Control | Public Health
    Department of Health | Level 14 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
    t. 03 909 65094 | f. 1300 651 170 | e.

    From: Jane Barnett <Jane.Barnett@CDHB.GOVT.NZ>


    Date: 01/02/2011 09:05 AM

    Subject: Breast milk donor banks

    Sent by: AICA Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>


    Id be very interested to know what protocols
    are in place in Australian hospitals where breast milk donor banks exist.
     Our neonatal unit is in the process of setting up a bank and all
    milk will be pasteurised; however, I would like to know what advise is
    given to mothers regarding the cleaning or disinfection of the breast pump
    equipment at home.


    Jane Barnett

    CNS IP&C Christchurch Womens Hospital


    Check out our web site:

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