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AS4187 Review

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  • #69643
    Wells, Annie

    Wells, Annie




    AS4187 Review – call for comments for College submission open until midday Friday 18th January 2013.
    Reprocessing of reusable medical devices in health care service organizations –

    Terry McAuley, the College’s long term representative on the AS4187 working group, has undertaken a detailed review of the standard. Her comments are listed in the member’s only section of the website and give some idea of the far reaching nature of the proposed changes. If you see comments in Terry’s responses that mirror your own thoughts then take this as encouragement to submit comment on the exact same issue – The more times something is raised as an issue, the more weight it will have when the committee considers comment. However please do not copy Terry’s comment and proposed changes exactly, as the comment should be in your own words.

    Please put aside some time to thoroughly review and submit comment on the document individually (directly through the public comment portal) or members can submit their concerns to ACIPC, via
    the Secretariat.

    A free Draft can be downloaded from SAI Global at the following link:

    1) Click on ‘Log In Required’ next to the ‘pdf’ icon. Then login under ‘Registered User’ or ‘Not
    registered?’ if it’s your first time. – You will need to register as a user – this only takes a few
    minutes and done not cost you anything.

    2) Then, click on the ‘Free Download’ icon directly under the title of the Draft. (This icon
    appears once you have logged in.) Then save this document.
    SAI is also calling for Public comment and this can be done via the Standards Australia website, using
    the PUBLIC ACCESS icon, at the following link:

    iAnnie Wells RN, BN, M Adv P (IC&P) CICP
    Special Interest Group Advisory Committee (Chair)

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