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AICA National Consultation Steering Committee appointed

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  • #68490
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Dear AICA members,

    It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the successful applicants for the CSC whom will be working for AICA in the next 12 months. All applicants were required to pass a rigorous selection process which involved short listing, structured interview via phone, a final powerpoint presentation to myself and Sylvia and, a referee check. I thank all applicants and Julie Funicane (Panel member from CENA) for their time and contributions during this process and look forward to seeing the work of the newly formed NCSC transpire into creating a competitive, professional National model that we can be proud of. It is important to note that each committee member was appointed to represent the national interests of AICA regardless of their home state and professional affiliations.

    We welcome to the NCSC the following members who may be well known to you:
    Marija Juraja (SA)
    Ramon Shaban (Qld)
    Belinda Henderson (Qld)
    Brett Mitchell (Tas)
    Paul Smollen (NSW)

    I am also extremely pleased to announce Philip Russo as Chair of the CSC. Phil is well known for his professional approach to difficult and challenging situations and has considerable expertise in leading change at a National level, most recently with is appointment as Project Coordinator for HHA.

    John Campbell from John Campbell Communication and Marketing has also been appointed to support the functions of this committee which will hold their first scheduled meeting this Friday. John and the NCSC will also work alongside our appointed legal company, Moore’s Legal.

    The process has been a long but valuable one and it was essential that we ensured we have the right people on the committee to undertake what is possibly the most important project AICA has initiated since its inception in 1985.

    Further information will be communicated to members via the AICA website, AICAlist, AICA newsletter and notice to the State and Territory Associations in the coming days. A special section within the existing AICA website will be created to keep all AICA members up dated. If you have any questions about the process or what is expected of the NCSC, please contact me.

    Kind regards,


    Claire Boardman
    B. App Sc (nsg), Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    President, AICA

    Queensland 4001

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