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ACHS EQuIP National Field Review

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  • #68903
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Received by the College 7/03/12 from ACHS.

    Dear Colleague,

    Thank you to those who have already contributed to the ACHS online survey for feedback on the EQuIPNational Standards, criteria and actions.

    This online survey is due to close on 12 March 2012. If you have any comments about the proposed EQuIPNational, please lodge them prior to that date by clicking here:

    The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards are a critical component of the Australian Health Services Safety and Quality Accreditation Scheme and were endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers in September 2011. The NSQHS Standards will become mandatory for hospitals and day procedure services nationally, with implementation scheduled from 1 Jan 2013.

    In response to the implementation of the National Standards the ACHS is currently developing a product to ensure member organisations retain the organisation-wide evaluation and quality improvement program that is EQuIP. This revised version removes duplication of content between EQuIP5 and the National Standards. EQuIPNational is designed to provide a seamless, organisation-wide quality improvement framework. It includes the ten National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards:

    Governance for Safety and Quality in Health Service Organisations
    Partnering with Consumers
    Preventing and Controlling Healthcare Associated Infections
    Medication Safety
    Patient Identification and Procedure Matching
    Clinical Handover
    Blood and Blood Products
    Preventing and Managing Pressure Injuries
    Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in Acute Health Care
    Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls

    EQuIPNational provides a further five Standards that focus on the performance of non-clinical systems as part of a comprehensive organisation-wide assessment:

    Access to Care and Consumer / Patient Assessment
    Evaluation and Transition of Care
    Workforce Planning and Management
    Information Management
    Organisational Systems

    The ACHS accreditation programs are based on partnerships and consultations with member organisations and other key stakeholders, so that the standards reflect user needs and encourage ownership of the programs. ACHS now invites comment on the draft EQuIPNational. Please note that EQuIPNational presents existing EQuIP5 content, reformatted to align with the National Standards format.

    The consultation period for the draft EQuIPNational is from 13 February to 12 March 2012.

    In addition to receiving your feedback, the draft EQuIPNational will be trialled in some member organisations during 2012.

    Please access and review the draft of EQuIPNational available on the ACHS website:

    Following a review of the draft EQuIPNational, please access the draft EQuIPNational consultation survey.

    Please click here:

    The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
    5 Macarthur Street l Ultimo l NSW l 2007
    T: +61 2 9281 9955 l F: +61 2 9211 9633

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