Dear AICA Members in Melbourne
Last week at APIC in Baltimore an APIC member asked me to recommend a facility in Melbourne that would be willing to meet with him and provide a facility tour. Whilst I know many of you from the larger hospitals it may well be that one or more of you has a special interest in Tim’s work around oral hygiene and ventilator pneumonia prevention. If any of you are interested in visiting with Tim on his trip his contact details are below as is his follow up e-mail to me. Please contact him directly. I dont need to be involved. I have included Tim’s email in this message to make reply easier.
Regards and thanks
Hi, Cath,
As we discussed at APIC last week, I am heading to Melbourne for a few weeks in July. I’ll be working with a colleague at LaTrobe School of Nursing and then with another colleague at Australian Catholic on a program we’ve developed which is a protocol for oral care in acutely ill patients as a way to prevent infections.
Would you have the name of a good IP contact who could give me a brief orientation to infection prevention in Australia and perhaps a facility tour? While I will be at LaTrobe and ACU, I’m happy to travel to another facility if you had another good contact in the region.
Timothy Landers, CNP, PhD
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University College of Nursing
376 Newton Hall, 1585 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210<>
Assoc. Prof Cathryn Murphy RN PhD CIC
Managing Director
Infection Control Plus Pty Ltd
PO Box 106
West Burleigh 4219
Ph +61 7 5520 1569
Mob +61 428 154 154
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