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Re: Trigger (spray bottles) for housekeeping

Home Forums Infexion Connexion PICC Line Dressings Re: Trigger (spray bottles) for housekeeping

HIP Consultancy

HIP Consultancy




The CDC Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities warns of the generation of aerosols from cleaning chemical, especially if the cleaning chemical happen to be contaminated. The CDC recommends;

Application of contaminated cleaning solutions, particularly from small quantity aerosol spray bottles or with equipment that might generate aerosols during operation, should be avoided, especially in high-risk patient areas.992, 993 Making sufficient fresh cleaning solution for daily cleaning, discarding any remaining solution, and drying out the container will help to minimize the degree of bacterial contamination. Containers that dispense liquid as opposed to spray-nozzle dispensers (e.g., quart-sized dishwashing liquid bottles) can be used to apply detergent/disinfectants to surfaces and then to cleaning cloths with minimal aerosol generation.

Dispensed diluted chemicals are unstable as they do not contain any preservatives etc like ready to use chemicals do and grow bacteria very easily, which is why they must be dispensed every day / prior to use and then discarded at the end of each day / end of shift / after use as per manufacturers instructions. Best Practice is to use pour caps or pre-impregnated cleaning wipes.


Cath Wade


Healthcare & Infection Prevention

Hi All,

Would anyone know if there are any reasons for not using Trigger Bottles in healthcare housekeeping settings, please? Some of our bottles tips over easily and cause spills and stains. We are looking at color coded containers which will transfer the liquid to the trigger bottles.

Does anyone have any suggestions or experience please?

Kind Regards

Franciska Ferreira


Burnside War Memorial Hospital

120 Kensington Road, Toorak Gardens, SA 5056

t: 08 8202 7222 f: 08 8407 8573 e:


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