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Hi Terry
My instinct is to say “No” – that neither the drug nor path fridges would be acceptable, even with biohazard bagging. Give the Donor Tissue Bank a call – they will give you definitive information about how to deal with this – I have no doubt that others have the same issue to overcome.
Diane Hobday
Accreditation Manager – DIAS
National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia
1/675 Victoria Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067
03 9274 8200
Thanks for the responses Michael and Diane,
The context where this is occurring is a Day Surgery environment – so there is no Pathology or Blood fridge available – the only refrigerators are either the food fridge and the drug fridge. Both are temperature moitored.
The client is reluctant to purchase a separate refrigerator purely for the storage of human tissue, as the volume of this material is no more than half a dozen specimen jars at a time.
Clearly the food fridge is not an option, however as drugs are considered ‘clean’ my query is, is it acceptable to store something ‘dirty’ in the drug fridge?
The tissue is stored in a labelled specimen jar inside a sealed biohazard bag.
Further thoughts will be gratefully received.
Terry McAuley
Sterilisation & Infection Control Consultant
STEAM Consulting
E: terry@steamconsulting.com.au
W: http://www.steamconsulting.com.au
A: PO BOX 779
Endeavour Hills
VIC Australia 3802
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Hi all
I can’t find anything specific in any of the Standards – what Terry says is covering most bases (because a blood fridge has better monitoring than a path fridge).
If you want a definitive answer I would encourage you to contact the Donor Tissue Bank of Victoria at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM). They are a state-of-the-art public tissue bank, and will be able to give you advice about best practice and applicable standards.
Diane Hobday
Accreditation Manager – DIAS
National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia
1/675 Victoria Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067
03 9274 8200
Hi Terry
We looked at storage of human skin recently, as we were using a fridge that was used to store lab specimens. Provided you have a temperature monitored and maintained fridge with appropriate alarms and checks, and provided the tissue is labelled with name and date of collection / expiry, and sealed into its own container, we couldn’t find any guidelines that specified what else could be storied in the fridge with it.
We have changed our practice here, though, and now store these tissues in a blood fridge, as that has is attached to a monitored alarm system. Whereas the pathology fridge just beeps to itself in the pathology room where no one can hear it.
If anyone has actual tissue storage guidelines that specify more clearly where these tissues can be stored I would be interested as well.
Michael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226
e: Michael.Wishart@hsn.org.au
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Hi everyone,
I have recently come across a practice of storing human tissue i.e. skin in the same fridge as drugs.
I was wondering if anyone could point me to the reference where it clearly states that this is not an acceptable practice? A quick internet search hasn’t been helpful.
Thanks in anticipation.
Terry McAuley
Sterilisation & Infection Control Consultant
STEAM Consulting
E: terry@steamconsulting.com.au
W: http://www.steamconsulting.com.au
A: PO BOX 779
Endeavour Hills
VIC Australia 3802
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