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Hi Wendy,
There are sterile labels that can be ordered and used for this purpose – they may also be required in operating theatre.
Julie Hunt
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
Tel 02 9926 7914 | Fax 02 9926 6161 | juhunt@nsccahs.health.nsw.gov.au
>>> “Beckingham, Wendy” 13/06/2012 2:22 pm >>>
Hello All
The question has been raised re the new standards for labelling of medicines.
Has anyone developed a process for labelling injectable medicines when administering them as part of a sterile procedure e.g. connecting to a haemodialysis machine.
Look forward to your replies
Wendy Beckingham
CNC Infection Prevention and Control
ph. (02) 6244 3695 or mobile 0478408787 orpager 50390
e. wendy.beckingham@act.gov.au
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