Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Glen’s Story – How Hospital Associated Infections Can Impact on a Person’s Life and Family. Produced by The Victorian Infection Control Professionals Association (VICPA) › Re: Glen’s Story – How Hospital Associated Infections Can Impact on a Person’s Life and Family. Produced by The Victorian Infection Control Professionals Association (VICPA) › Re: Glen’s Story – How Hospital Associated Infections Can Impact on a Person’s Life and Family. Produced by The Victorian Infection Control Professionals Association (VICPA)
Hi All,
I have been able to access each of these links today with no difficulty.
We have now placed it on our hospital intranet and plan to use it in
future training events.
Congratulations to the team for producing such a great resource, and
thankyou to Glen for sharing his story.
Fiona De Sousa
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076
Behalf Of Helen Scott
Associated Infections Can Impact on a Person’s Life and Family. Produced
by The Victorian Infection Control Professionals Association (VICPA)
Hi Teresa, same here. None of the pages even have clickable links! Apart
from the AICA and that won’t open. Annoying!! Let me know if you figure
it out!
Helen Scott
Infection Control Co-ordinator &
Acute Pain Service Co-ordinator
Nepean Private Hospital
Penrith, NSW.
0247 327333
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>>> On 28/11/2011 at 11:08 am, in message
, Teresa Lewis
Dear All
This sounds fantastic, can’t wait to see it.
Have tried to access the video on all the below links and I cannot
access it – perhaps the work computers will not allow me, I will try
this evening at home.
Thanks for the tip
Teresa Lewis
“Infection Prevention is Everyone’s
Infection Control/Prevention
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Newcastle Private Hospital
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>>> Glenys Harrington 26/11/2011 12:55 pm >>>
Dear All,
To support infection control professionals in their infection prevention
and control initiatives the Victorian Infection Control Professionals
Association (VICPA) has developed a storytelling video with the
assistance and support of a family who share their experience and the
impact that acquiring a hospital associated infection has had on their
The video was launched at The 5th International Congress of the Asia
Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC), 8-11 November 2011,
Melbourne, Australia
and we include a link to the abstract:
The VICPA Video Project Team would like to share the video with the
infection control community. The team request that if you display the
video on your hospital web page (intranet or internet) or in your
infection control educational material that the title of the video and
VICPA acknowledgement as outlined below be included:
Glen’s Story
How Hospital Associated Infections Can Impact on a Person’s Life and
Produced by The Victorian Infection Control Professionals Association
The video can be accessed at the following web pages and links.
Australian Infection Control Association(AICA) – home page
Hand Hygiene Australia(HHA) – video files
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)
– Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI)
Glenys Harrington
VICPA Video Project Team Coordinator
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426
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