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Re: Floor coverings for new hospital

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Floor coverings for new hospital Re: Floor coverings for new hospital

Joe-Anne Bendall

Joe-Anne Bendall




Hi Kerry
We have refurbished our ED and there was no consultation with Cleaning Services Manager when the final decision was made. Now, with beautiful – almost white floors – it shows up every mark.

My advice it to be careful of colour when deciding on the floor type



Joe-anne Bendall
Infection Prevention and Control CNC
Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
8 Macquarie St
Sydney 2000

Phone: 93827199
Mobile: 0418984255
Fax: 93827510
Page: 21552

—–Original Message—–
From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Julie Hunt
Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2012 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Floor coverings for new hospital

Hi Kerry,

There was a lot of information on carpets on the list a few weeks ago.

In our new hospital Infection Prevention & Control stipulated that
floor coverings throughout must be easy to clean and resistant to
disinfection procedures therefore all clinical areas utilise both slip
resistant and non slip vinyl (as required).

The vinyl selected is a Polyurethane reinforced low maintenance PVC
floor covering engineered for heavy duty hospital and health care use.

We reviewed a lot of vinyl products but haven’t seen the Bolon. For us
it was important that we could clean the product with our usual neutral
detergents (some require special cleaning agents) and if required
disinfect with Hypochlorite 1000ppm, so that narrowed down the field.



Julie Hunt

Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
Tel 02 9926 4339 or 992604490

>>> Kerry Addlem 20/11/2012 2:55 pm >>>
We are in the planning stages of building a new hospital. It is time to
decide on floorcoverings.

I would be interested on your thoughts regarding carpet verses vinyl in
residents’ bedrooms in a high care facility.

Also, does anyone have any experience with a European design “Bolon”
textured vinyl.

I look forward to your thoughts.


Kerry Addlem
Infection Control CoordinatorPO Box 159 Charlton VIC 3525 Tel: 03
5477 6867 Fax: 03 54912010
Mob: 0419534673

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