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Re: Detergent wipes

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Detergent wipes Re: Detergent wipes

Houston, Leanne (BHH)

Houston, Leanne (BHH)





We had the same issue and have moved to the smaller canisters that fit into the brackets supplied by the company. These actually were more cost effective and were consider less wet than the tubs. We have had no further complaints.


Leanne Houston

Eastern Health Infection Control Coordinator

Does anyone use disposable detergent wipes for cleaning non-critical items between patients?
We have started using ‘Tuffies’ brand wipes for cleaning non-critical items between patients.
The ward staff like them – but Theatre staff find the larger wipes from the tubs too wet, they take ages to dry & leave a residue.
The smaller wipes in the flexicans – are too small & dry out in the can.
I wondered what other hospitals use for cleaning stainless steel trolleys & instrument trays between cases.

Carolyn Ord

Clinical Nurse Consultant

Infection Control

Bowral Hospital

NSW 2576

Tel : (02) 4861 0266

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