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Re: assist dogs in acute hospital

Home Forums Infexion Connexion assist dogs in acute hospital Re: assist dogs in acute hospital

Barbara Elliott

Barbara Elliott




Hi Nicola,
Will send you our policy for St John of God Subiaco Hospital (Perth)

Barbara Elliott I Coordinator Infection Prevention & Control I St John of God Subiaco Hospital
Level 3, 12 Salvado Road SUBIACO WA 6008
P: 08 9382 6871 F: 08 9382 6785 M: 0413706384 E:

>>> “Powell, Jodie” 20/03/2012 6:24 AM >>>
Hi Nicola
I will send you a copy of our policy that we use at Mater
Thanks Jodie

Jodie Powell
Manager, Infection Control
Mater Health Services
Level 6, Corporate Services Building (OMMH) || Raymond Tce ||
South Brisbane || Qld 4101
t: (07) 3163 5338 e: m: 0401 226 608
f: (07) 3163 2176 w: ( blocked:: )
Mater’s 2009 Annual Review: ( blocked:: )
P Please think of the environment before printing this email

Hi All,
Does anyone have guidelines or a policy they would like to share with me regarding assist/guide dogs in an acute hospital? Also is anyone aware of any discrimination legislation attached to the visits of these dogs in hospitals. Many thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer me.
Kind Regards
Nicky Swindells CNC
Infection Control Coordinator/Wound Management
Mater Hospitals Central Queensland
Rockhampton Yeppoon Gladstone
07 49313420

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