Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Chlorhexidine in alcohol, surface disinfectant › Pre-operative skin preparation of patients
Dear All,
At Mercy Hospital for Women we are currently reconsidering the
appropriateness of aqueous povidone-iodine vs. Chlohexidine gluconate
(CHG), aqueous or in alcohol for skin preparation of patients. We are
mostly performing obstetric and gynaecological operations.
We’re also considering the cost effectiveness of prepacked maxi
swab-sticks impregnated with CHG.
CHG will be avoided in procedures involving mucous membranes.
I was wondering what everyone is using, especially like hospitals
performing similar procedures such as Caesarean sections?
Richard Bartolo
Infection Control Consultant
Mercy Hospital for Women
163 Studley Road
VIC 3084
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