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GOARN request for assistance: AWD cholera Afghanistan 2022

2022 has seen a regional surge in AWD Cholera, Afghanistan has not escaped this event and has seen caseload climb steadily since March, following the seasonal pattern but with caseload up to double the three-year average in areas where the outbreak is exacerbated by drought.  

The month of May saw over 500,000 cases of AWD. Around 10% of cases present as AWD with dehydration. The Afghan population is particularly vulnerable to such health events as there is widespread malnutrition due to the drought and economic stresses on the country brought about in the aftermath of the Taliban takeover in August 2021. 

The AWD outbreak in Afghanistan has affected all regions but shows provincial and district variations, with some areas following three-year average trends and others far exceeding them. The potential for further spread is apparent, especially as the case load in Pakistan and the important cultural and trade links between countries means a high volume of traffic between countries.

Request for assistance 
GOARN are seeking ACIPC Members available for deployment with expertise in the following areas:  

  • Field Epidemiologist 
  • Health Operations 
  • Information Management 

Essential Requirements:

Education and training

  • First level university degree in relevant area of expertise
  • Postgraduate degree in discipline, or equivalent in experience.


  • Demonstrated knowledge of area of expertise as related to AWD Cholera
  • At least 5 years of experience with disease outbreak response 


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent analytical, planning and organizational skills
  • Ability to work in the team, with limited supervision. Ability to work under pressure. 


  • Fluency in spoken and written English

Deployment duration

  • 6 weeks minimum

Desired Requirements:


  • Previous experience with WHO or other UN agencies.
  •  Previous experience in Afghanistan
  • Past experience in post conflict setting and international outbreak response operations

Deployment duration

  • 8 weeks minimum

Preference will be given to deployments that can cover the entire operational timeframe; however, WHO will also consider rotation of staff for a minimum of 6 week field periods, provided adequate planning and overlap are assured. 

All positions will work in close collaboration with other members of the team, WHO Country Office in Afghanistan, Ministry of Health and Operational Partners in the field.

In line with the usual GOARN procedures, WHO will cover the cost of travel and per diem (daily allowance) for staff deployed, and provide logistics and security support in country. Please note there is no salary provided. 

Outbreak Response 
WHO has taken a lead in the coordination of the AWD response, bringing together Health and WASH clusters, ensuring timely sharing of alert and outbreak data for a multisectoral response. Ministry of Health response has been activated with the National Task Force for AWD being reconvened, sub national committees at Provincial Health Director level have also been activated in affected provinces or those considered at high risk. The challenge for the existing coordination efforts includes the widespread geographical nature of the outbreak, competing priorities for WHO, Ministry of Public Health and the Afghan context. 

Surveillance has been a key activity, ensuring investigation kits are available, that RDT testing, and lab confirmation strategies are in place and adhered to, managing the volume of data and responding to alert notices and follow up information from the local National Disease Surveillance Response network.  This activity requires support. 

Case management support has been started with further distribution of case management material and follow up with implementing partners is needed to ensure correct use of materials and timely requests for further support. The implementation of AWD Cholera case management training of trainers has been expedited, this activity will be cascaded to provincial and district levels through WHO sub offices. Support for this activity may be required.

Please provide all required details for the offer including CV, availability date range, maximum duration for deployment and position(s) you would make yourself available for.

Please note that only complete applications from candidates, fulfilling all essential requirements listed above will be considered.


Send your application to Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman –