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Aged Care Community of Practice Webinar August

Nitty gritty of aged care IPC surveillance/audit

Date & time: Wednesday 14 August at 12.00 pm AEST

This session will explore the process of surveillance/audit in aged care – what auditing should be considered, what tools can be use, how results are turned into action plans, and how action plans are written. We will look at audit and action plan templates. The floor is open for comments, input and sharing ideas and concerns.

Our guest speaker on the day is Kelly Barton, an Infection Control Consultant with 13 years’ experience in the role at Alpine Health in Northeast Victoria. Kelly recently completed her Masters in Infection Control at Griffith University in 2022. She is passionate about One Health, Aged Care and AMS. She recently went to Cambodia with the charity Supporting Silk Sisters to help a rural referral hospital with their first ever accreditation preparations.

Join ACIPC Consultant Carrie Spinks at this free webinar.

This webinar is free of charge, to register please click the link below:

A recording of the webinar will be available on the ACIPC website: