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- This topic has 0 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 12 months ago by
Chris Braden.
23/02/2010 at 1:21 pm #68193
Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)
Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)Email:
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au23/02/2010 at 2:08 pm #68194Grimes, Andrea
Grimes, AndreaEmail:
We have put hand hygiene stations at the entrance to each ward. They get used by public, doctors and our staff. No issues at all.
Andrea Grimes | ICC | WHS | RRTWC
Cairns Private Hospital
t: 07) 4052 5274 f: 07) 4052 5188 m: 0417 714 374
e: grimesa1@ramsayhealth.com.auRamsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please consider the environment before printing this email.
—–Original Message—–
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au23/02/2010 at 2:25 pm #68195Barbara Elliott
Barbara ElliottEmail:
St John of God Hospital Subiaco has placed posters along with hand gel in all public areas – main entrances, outside each ward entrance, day of surgery admission areas & entry to the operating suite. We even have it outside the hospital chapel!
We have brackets next to the posters for the gel and so far no issues other than having to remind staff from time to time to renew the bottles when empty.If anyone would like to see our poster am happy to send.Barbara Elliott
Infection Control Coordinator
St John of God Hospital Subiaco
tel: 0893826871
fax: 0893817180
email: barbara.elliott@sjog.org.au>>> “Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)” 23/02/2010 10:21 AM >>>
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
email: fiona.wilson@wh.org.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au23/02/2010 at 3:22 pm #68197Craig Boutlis
Craig BoutlisEmail:
Hi Fiona,
We’ve tended to avoid it along the lines that the further it is from patients and close supervision, the more likely it is perhaps to lack efficacy in preventing cross-infection and to result in unintended harm (children splashing their eyes, product causing slips on lino etc.) We do have it immediately inside our wards and some wards have put it outside in potentially public areas (which we’ve let go through to the keeper without incident).
I was initially for it, but changed my mind after reading a UK safety bulletin, which is still available at http://www.nrls.npsa.nhs.uk/EasySiteWeb/getresource.axd?AssetID61796&typefull&servicetypeAttachment
Craig Boutlis
Director, IMACS
Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS)
Level 1, Lawson House
The Wollongong Hospital
LMB 8808
SCMC NSW 2521—–Original Message—–
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au23/02/2010 at 4:07 pm #68198Hi Fiona,
We have it outside the entrance doors to each ward area, in the lifts,
outpatient waiting rooms and at the entrance to the hospital cafeteria.
We have had no issues other than a full bottle disappearing from one of
our lifts every day for a week (it was the height of swine flu). We
also have it available in every patient room but not on the bed yet as
we are yet to overcome some OH&S issues related to bed swing and door
widths. In the public areas a poster has been put up next to the
bracket.Outside our ward areas and waiting rooms it is combined with a box of
masks and tissue to encourage correct respiratory hygiene. I am happy
to share copies of our posters with you if you like.Fiona De Sousa
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)
handrubsI would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand
rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on
wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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Giulietta PontivivoEmail:
Hi Fiona
AT POW we have a foam alcohol hand product at the entrance to our facility (hand free dispenser) , brackets with foam at the entrance to each clinical are (wards/ outpatients etc) and at the lifts.
We have issues with replacing the products not allocated to a ward such as lifts but if you can over come this there hasn’t been any problems.
At the foot of each bed we also have a foam products (you can lock the bottle, it doesn’t splash or spill, foul to taste due to bitrex and it’s a whole contained product so no decanting of products can take place). Outside each room we have a alcohol hand rub which contains chlorhexidine.
We did a risk assessment early 2009 prior to product placement at the foot of beds and went with 2 products (we already had alcohol hand rub in all clinical areas, within patient rooms and at the entry of each room since 2003) following the assessment.
Our hand sanitiser is very popular and when not replaced staff and visitors get very irate and I get frequent calls about replacement! So I think there is a demand for more availability of products other than at the foot of the bed.
Our hand hygiene rates have also been dramatically improved since the improved availability of products.Regards Giulietta
Giulietta Pontivivo | Clinical Nurse Consultant Infection Prevention and Control,
Centre for Hospital Epidemiology and Staff Services (CHESS),
>The Prince of Wales Hospital|* ph +61 2 9382 1877 *page 44241 via switch 9382 2222| * giulietta.pontivivol@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU—–Original Message—–
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au24/02/2010 at 9:52 am #68200Toni Schouten
Toni SchoutenEmail:
Hi Fiona,
We have placed hand foam product at the entrance to each ward (inside at
patient entrance and outside at staff entrance); outside each room and
at the foot of each bed. Outside rooms are 1 litre lockable and at then
end of the bed 400ml (as with Giulietta can be turned to lock). In our
OPDs we have a gel (probably change to the lockable foam dispenser
eventually) that is generally in view of staff. Outside the cafeteria
is a lockable foam dispenser and at the main visitor lift is a lockable
metal stand dispensing foam.
Toni Schouten CICP
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Infection Control
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Level 7, KGV Building
Missenden Road
Camperdown NSW 2050
toni.schouten@sswahs.nsw.gov.au—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)
handrubsI would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand
rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on
wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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Kanengoni, TendayiEmail:
Hi Fiona,
Canberra Hospital in the ACT firmly supports the ABHR placement in
public areas; there is an active campaign about to be rolled out where
public education and awareness is being supported at every level. Our
approach is that it is every ones business keeping our patients safe.This facility has brackets with Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) at point
of care (end of bed), in the hospital foyer, all main entrances and
close to each lift on every level. Hand hygiene posters, with good
messages and clear directions in use have also has been placed just
above the ABHR on walls in everyone’s sight.We are in the process of building four hand hygiene stations or hubs to
be placed in the main foyer in preparation of the WHO Hand Hygiene day
on 5th May 2010. These will be big and bold, inviting patients, visitors
and their children to participate in good hand hygiene practice.
Information will be available for them and children’s packs will
encourage all ages to participate, as we believe education, support and
participation is the only way to ensure good and safe practice.We will continue to support this very important cause in keeping our
patients safe and we welcome enquiries in how we intend to do this.
we do not have it on the ends of the beds in women’s and children’s but
at point of care in the NICU.
Please feel free to contact us on 62059484.Regards,
TendayiTendayi Kanengoni
Hand Hygiene Project Nurse
Canberra Hospital—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)
handrubsI would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand
rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on
wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
email: fiona.wilson@wh.org.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and
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Jane HellstenEmail:
We have had ABHR in public areas across all campuses (acute, subacute, residential care, Psychiatry,ambulatory services etc)since the SARS alert. It is placed in entry foyers, corridors, outside lifts, on entry to wards,waiting rooms,Triage desk in ED, on entry to the gym, hydrotherapy etc etc. In some locations we have had theft of the product, it is not locked in, it sits in brackets. Over many years we have had very few incidents where a child has tampered with the product and been splashed with it. Presently it is being offered to visitors and anyone who approaches the information desk in the main hospital foyer, volunteers have been given a ‘blurb’ to follow, hand hygiene brochures to hand out and the product.We do not have a permanent HH station as such. Posters accompany the product in most locations recommending everyone use the product.Environmental services staff replenish the product in public areas and it is paid for by IPCU. Overall very successful and not too many issues re theft and tampering.
Jane Hellsten
Manager Infection Prevention Control
Bendigo Health
24.2.10—–Original Message—–
I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their hospitals.
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au25/02/2010 at 5:24 pm #68204We have hand gel at all entry and exit points in brackets with posters
as reminders for staff, patients and relatives. No issues at allChristine Braden
Assistant Director of Nursing/
Infection Control Practitioner CNS
Djerriwarrh Health Service
Email- chrisb@djhs.org.au
Ph- 53 67 2000
Mobile – 0402 242 651—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)
handrubs [Scanned]I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand
rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their
If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on
wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.Regards
Fiona Wilson
Manager, Infection Control
Western Health
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