Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Re: Combined Negative/Postive isolation room › Re: Combined Negative/Positive isolation room › what kind of isolation for MDRO in blood?
As we all know,
Successful control of MDROs is based on a combination of interventions. These involve continued rigorous
adherence to hand hygiene, appropriate use of personal protective equipment and implementation of
specific transmission$B!>(Bbased precautions (isolation of infected or colonised patients, increased environmental
cleaning and dedicated patient equipment) until patients are culture$B!>(Bnegative for a target MRO or have been
discharged from the facility.
What if the MDRO is in the blood??I know that souds weared,but some facilities do apply contact precautions eventhough the organism is in the blood,with a pretext that the organism may be colonized at other body site specially in icu set ups.
Any one can share his practices,experience,opinion??
thank you
Joanne Daghfal Nader
Infection Control Practitioner
P.O.Box 3050 Doha, Qatar
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