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This could be why an Australian visitor auditor over here in NZ
questioned our use of waterless scrubs in theatre environment!! I was
surprised and provided the literature behind it which is strong – but
clearly it isn’t standard practice there. My understanding is that the
scrubs had the necessary product approval (although this was limited to
only a couple of companies)and it was sufficient for use in NZ at the
time; it is now several years since these were introduced and are used
in both public and private sector environments….
Jane Barnett
Clinical Nurse Specialist- Infection Prevention and Control
Christchurch Women’s Hospital
—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Wishart, Michael
Hi Cath
Waterless scrubbing has evidence of very good efficacy in published
papers from Europe, and is widely used in Europe and I believe in the US
as well now.
The problem we have in Australia is that the practice has not yet been
endorsed by the RACS or ACORN, and I am not sure if any waterless hand
hygiene products have yet been endorsed by TGA for this use (I had heard
some products had applied for this use to TGA, but am not sure where
these applications currently stand).
Until we gain endorsement of this practice change from the professional
colleges here in Australia, facilities and healthcare agencies would be
unlikely to permit such a practice for legal liability reasons.
Hopefully someone from ACORN can provide more detail on their position
on this practice.
Michael Wishart
Infection Control Coordinator
Quality & Safety Unit | Greenslopes Private Hospital
Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
tel: 07 3394 7919 | pager 047 | fax 07 3394 7985
e: WishartM@ramsayhealth.com.au
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—–Original Message—–
Dear AICA, ACSQHC and ACORN Colleagues
I have been asked about the suitability of using “waterless surgical
scrubs” as an alternative to the first ‘soap and water’ wash of the day
in the operating theatre or surgical procedural unit. Does anybody know
if this is common? Acceptable? Widespread and based on credible evidence
or policy?
Any commentary welcomed. Thanks.
Assoc. Prof Cathryn Murphy RN PhD CIC
CNC Infection Control
Gold Coast Health Service District
Robina Hospital
Gold Coast
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