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Re: VRE (VanA)

Home Forums Infexion Connexion VRE (VanA) Re: VRE (VanA)

Rita Roy

Rita Roy




Hello Maureen,
We have had one patient in 2013 from whose bladder tissue, VRE Van A was isolated. This was a patient from a group home, 66 years of age who had acute on chronic renal failure and bladder Ca.
We had one patient in 2012 who was an 86 year old gentleman who had (L) kidney hydronephrosis and had VRE Van A isolated from his urine.

CNC Infection Control | Hornsby & Ku-ring-gai Health Service
Palmerston Road,
Tel 02 9477 9232 | Pager 52533|

>>> Maureen Mckenzie 10/05/2013 1:49 pm >>>

Dear all

We have seen an increase in the number of VRE VanA in our
facility…..would be interested to know if any of you are experiencing
the same?

If you have, has it occurred in any particular speciality area (e.g.
renal unit).

Look forward to your comments



Maureen McKenzie

Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention & Control
Concord Repatriation General Hospital

C/- Microbiology Dept.

Hospital Road, Concord NSW 2139
Tel 02 9767 6898 | Fax 02 9767 7868 |

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