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Re: Validation of benchtop sterilisers

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Validation of benchtop sterilisers Re: Validation of benchtop sterilisers

Chris Dakin

Chris Dakin




Dear Mary,
In my experience benchtop sterilisers are validated by a qualified serviceman from company who visit facility. I would think this is more convenient for your practice. I would contact the steriliser,s company to find out how they manage service for your location.
You could also contact local public hospital with CSD department, I am sure the Manager would advise you.
Christine Dakin
Infection Prevention Consultancy

Sent from my iPhone

On 15/04/2013, at 11:30, Mary Smith wrote:

> Dear List Members,
> What is the common practice for validating benchtop sterilisers used for dental or podiatry services?
> Do you send your benchtop steriliser away to a service provider, who ‘validates’ the machine then sends it back to you or do you have a qualified technician come to your health service to conduct the validation process?
> If it is sent away does this meet the intent of the standards (AS 4187 & 4815) where you should use known and defined loads that are considered to be the most challenging the serivce is likely to utilise in their clinical activities?
> I have been getting mixed information on what is the usual or acceptable practice for these portable machines.
> I look forward to your thoughts on this issue.
> Regards,
> Mary Smith
> Grampians Region Infection Control
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