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Re: Vacum waste and linen removal systems

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Vacum waste and linen removal systems Re: Vacum waste and linen removal systems

John Ferguson

John Ferguson




Dear Glenys

You may wish to d/w Dr Jane Carthey who spoke to this in passing at her recent ACIPC presentation. She is current Chair of the Australian Healthcare Design Council.

There are current mandatory requirements for healthcare facility design that preclude the use of linen / refuse shuts per se owing to fire/OHS considerations. Question would be whether these would be considered in that light.

Kind regards

Dr John Ferguson
Director, Infection Prevention & Control, Hunter New England Health


Dear All,

Many of you will know that I’m interested in hospital design, construction and renovation.

Recently I have been reading about a vacuum system of sealed pipes powered by efficient fans to pull material from multiple points throughout a hospital to a single collection point.

These systems replace most of the manual handling of waste and linen.

I’m interested to know if these systems are in use or being considered for use your healthcare facility?

Does anyone have one of these systems or a similar system in their healthcare facility?

Would anyone be willing to share their thoughts/experiences in relation to these system with me?

Many thanks in anticipation.



Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)

PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426

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