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Verna Ramsay
Melbourne Health
Hi All,
I have also been asked to review this product, with a view to use to disinfect ENT nasenoscopes, and have similar concerns on ensuring the quality of the process with this manual system. I would appreciated some feedback from colleagues experience in introducing this system and how organisations have managed the issues of ensuring staff competence and adherence to the set protocols.
Regards Verna.
Verna Ramsay
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Infection Prevention and Surveillance Service
Melbourne Health
(Note: Days of work, Wednesday, Thursday and every second Friday)
9342 8324
We introduced this into our radiology dept for the US probes over a year ago now and it seems to work well. The previous processes were really inadequate for these items and the chlorine dioxide does achieve high level disinfection options without exposure to staff of liquid chemicals. The company provided good training to the staff who carry this out plus we ensured that there were laminated instruction charts with all mobile equipment e.g. used in our gynae emergency area.
Happy to share the protocol if you contact me.
Jane Barnett
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Infection Prevention & Control
Christchurch Women’s Hospital
Private Bag 4711, Christchurch
Infection Prevention and Control is Everyone’s Business
Hi All,
I have been asked to review a new cleaning and disinfection system for reprocessing transvaginal ultrasound probes especially those used in IVF related pregnancies where chemical residues are a high concern.
The system consists of three separate pre-packaged wipes (a cleaner, a disinfectant and a rinse wipe) which I believe is currently used in he UK. The active ingredient in the disinfectant wipe is chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution.
Has anyone got any experience with this type of system that they would be willing to share with me?
Kind Regards,
Fiona De Sousa
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076
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