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Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
Your comments summarize well the questions and concerns being raised in the
discussion to date:
1. Is there a risk of human error (behavioural risks) with the use of
these types of wipes on medical devices?
2. Do such wipes remove bacteria from a surface by the mechanical
action of wiping or is the bacteria being removed from a surface by the
bactericidal action of the ingredient in the wipes?
3. Is the current microbiological testing (a suspension tests versus a
3-step wipe testing method) for wipes registered for use on medical devices
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426
Of Thomson, Rachel EA
Hi all,
Strange things happen – clearly this technology is being marketed quite
heavily at present as my organisation has also had an approach and are
giving serious consideration to this technology. I felt I would like to put
my views out there having now thought about this during the last week.
I hate being seen as the “negative” ICP, but I really harbour concerns over
rapidly adopting newer approaches/technologies without giving due
consideration to the risks, which I think is one of our central challenges!
I summarise my thoughts on this matter below
*Validation – any system which relies on high-level disinfection
through any method, either heat or chemical, would do well it seems, to be
one that is able to be validated. I am unaware that this system of wipes
is, as yet, able to provide validation for each “cycle” as it relies rather
on pure compliance with a system
*Test environment vs clinical environment – the system has been
validated in approved test conditions, as you would expect any system to be.
This generally means products are tested against target organisms in
controlled laboratory conditions. This far from reflects the reality of a
busy clinical setting where use may not reflect the test environment.
Issues that may influence the effectiveness of the system include;
*The concentration of the biocidal agent reaching all parts of the
surface of the item (certainly inhibited by residual bioburden)
*The contact time allowed for the biocidal agent being sufficient (a
human controlled system rather than an automated system)
*The actual organisms present on the device, the inoculum of these
pathogens and whether the challenge testing was focussed on all relevant
*The conditions of use – I think this is almost the most important
question or concern I have with a manual system with no validation. A
system that relies on ALL users using the system of manual wiping perfectly,
without deviation and without the assurance of a validation should be a
concern to those who focus of safer patient systems – especially as the
focus of the marketing is the “speed” of disinfection.
These concerns may be able to be answered but I feel strongly that manual
systems such as this should be subject to higher levels of scrutiny and that
where the system is adopted that these questions should be thoroughly and
completely answered to the satisfaction of those briefed with such
Kind regards
Rachel Thomson
Nurse Unit Manager
Infection Prevention & Control Unit
Royal Hobart Hospital
E: rachel.thomson@dhhs.tas.gov.au
Dear Jayne
Would this be the Tristel Wipes System? AshMed are canvassing all hospitals
I believe. We have a trophon EPR and prcessor. We have been canvassed but I
am a little trepiditious despite the supporting literature re introducing.
Would love it if you would be happy to share your protocol?….and any other
feedback/evidence of efficacy etc.
Liz Vanderlinde
Infection Control Officer
North West Private Hospital
Brickport Road, Burnie TAS 7320, Australia
T +61 3 6432 6022 F +61 3 6431 6158
Liz.Vanderlinde@healthecare.com.au W
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Jane Barnett
We introduced this into our radiology dept for the US probes over a year ago
now and it seems to work well. The previous processes were really
inadequate for these items and the chlorine dioxide does achieve high level
disinfection options without exposure to staff of liquid chemicals. The
company provided good training to the staff who carry this out plus we
ensured that there were laminated instruction charts with all mobile
equipment e.g. used in our gynae emergency area.
Happy to share the protocol if you contact me.
Jane Barnett
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Infection Prevention & Control
Christchurch Women’s Hospital
Private Bag 4711, Christchurch
Infection Prevention and Control is Everyone’s Business
Fiona de Sousa
Hi All,
I have been asked to review a new cleaning and disinfection system for
reprocessing transvaginal ultrasound probes especially those used in IVF
related pregnancies where chemical residues are a high concern.
The system consists of three separate pre-packaged wipes (a cleaner, a
disinfectant and a rinse wipe) which I believe is currently used in he UK.
The active ingredient in the disinfectant wipe is chlorine dioxide in
aqueous solution.
Has anyone got any experience with this type of system that they would be
willing to share with me?
Kind Regards,
Fiona De Sousa
Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076
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