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Re: Tumble Dryers

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Hoskin, Ann-Marie (Health)

Hoskin, Ann-Marie (Health)




Hi Wendy Grey
We had this problem at our hospital. We developed a proposal and were successful in obtaining funding to replace our very out dated circa pre 1980’s washing machine and two domestic washing machines. We based our proposal on Infection Control/Risk Management approach. We now have validated laundry washing machines and dryers. These can prove time, temp and chemical concentrations. Contact me I am happy to find the proposal and supply it to you.
Regards Ann-Marie
Ann-Marie Hoskin
Ann-Marie Hoskin
Infection Control Associate Clinical Service Coordinator
Port Pirie Regional Health Service
Country Health SA
SA Health
Government of South Australia
Wash Wipe Cover …….. Don’t Infect Another
Web site:

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Does anyone have any guidance on the use of domestic tumble dryers within healthcare?
We are in the process of removing some domestic washing machines which are being used to wash patients clothes on the wards , and will be replacing them with commercial machines that can be part of an agreed maintenance programme.
I am not able to find guidance about the use of dryers (do they also need to be commercial machines) but would presume they do not present the same infection control risks as an un-maintained domestic washing machine would?
Any advices would be most useful

Wendy Grey

Wendy Grey
Nursing Director of Infection, Prevention and Control
IMB 64
PO Box 670
Townsville Hospital 4810
Fax : 4796


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