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Hi Mary,
The advice below is provided on the NSW Legal & Legislative Services web page:
What should be done where a patient wishes to take home tissue removed or expelled from their body while they are in hospital?
This can sometimes be requested by persons who have certain cultural or religious beliefs (eg as to treatment of the placenta after birth). Legally, there is no ownership in excised body parts and patients do not have any legally enforceable rights to take home such tissue.
However, there is no objection to such a course of action where it presents no risk to the patient or others.
A responsible medical practitioner should be satisfied that arrangements for taking home such tissue do not present a risk to public health.
For further information please see: Policy Directive 2005_341 Use/Retention of Human Tissue including Organ Donation, Post-Mortem Examination and Coronial Matters (Appendix 2, Procedures for the return of tissue to patient/next-of-kin) and Policy Directive 2005_247 Infection Control Policy.
A copy of PD 2005_341 can be accessed at:
Julie Hunt
Infection Prevention & Control CNC
Royal North Shore Hospital
>>> Mary Willimann 6/09/2010 4:12 pm >>>
Hi Everyone
Our Peri-Operative area is currently revising our policy relating to the disposal of surgically removed human tissue and explanted items. I was wondering what policies other facilities have in place particularly when it comes to patients wanting to take these items home with them. Do you ask patients to sign a disclaimer as advised in the ACORN standards and allow it or not?
All comments would be most welcome!
Kind Regards
Mary Willimann
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Infection Prevention & Control
St John of God Hospital
Dect phone 2358
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