Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Spray bottles and environmental cleaning › Re: Spray bottles and environmental cleaning
Lesley Alway
Dear Michael,
Another issue around using Spray bottles ( aerosols) is the field of
spray of the chemical, which visually is not able to be assessed,
possess risk of contamination of sterile stock.( To show effect for
a demo but some food colouring in water and spray it spreads much
further than anticipated)
It is particularly not recommended in Sterile stock areas, Operating
rooms etc, But this principle applies anywhere sterile stock is stored
( therefore just about all areas in hospitals) this is referenced in
As far as cleaning units, they should be treated as buckets etc and
emptied and washer at the end of use ( if you continue using them)
could go through bowl washers. I will look up reference and send it
when I have a minute
Kind Regards
Lesley Alway
Strategic Health Resources. (Infection Control Consultant)
107 Mountain View Rd
Briar Hill.
—–Original Message—–
Of Michael Wishart
For many years I (and many of my infection control colleagues) have been
saying that using spray bottles for environmental cleaning is not a good
thing, due to potential OH&S risks (eg aerosolisation and inhalation of
chemicals) and the difficulties of keeping spray bottles and nozzles
clean, among other concerns.
Have again been asked to justify this position, and again I am having
difficulty finding actual evidence to support this best practice
recommendation (see
http://remotehealthatlas.nt.gov.au/0719_spray_bottle_communique.pdf for
someone brave enough to put this in writing). Does anyone have any
convincing studies or well-referenced guidelines to support this
Would also be interested in other views: is this considered best practice
by the infection control community in Australia?
Thanks for any discussion on this.
Michael Wishart
Public Health Nurse,Communicable Disease Control
Logan West Moreton PHU
Ph 34131200 Fax 34131221
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