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Matthias Maiwald (KKH)
Dear Ruth,
According to my reading of the literature, the (rough) ranking in terms of antimicrobial efficacy would go (from least to most effective):
Plain nonantimicrobial liquid soap < antiseptic soap/detergent with triclosan < dto with chlorhexidine < alcohol hand rubs
(This is referring to ward-based hand hygiene, not surgical scrubbing).
There appears a sense in the literature that for most wards for regular use, antiseptic addition to soap is probably not necessary, but it may have a benefit for critical areas (ICUs etc.). Some antiseptic additives (e.g. chlorhexidine rarely) can be associated with allergies.
Regards, Matthias.
Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA
Consultant in Microbiology
Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
KK Women's and Children's Hospital
100 Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 229899
Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)
Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)
Fax +65 6394 1387
Dear All,
I was wondering if any of you have up to date information on what is the best (most effective) solution with which to wash one's hands? Special Care Nursery was wondering if Microshield's Triclosan was still considered effective?
Ruth Dalrymple
Infection Control Coordinator
Hurstville Private Hospital
37 Gloucester Rd, Hurstville, NSW 2220, Australia
T +61 2 9579 7780 F +61 2 9579 7466
E Infection.Control@hurstvilleprivate.com.au W healthecare.com.au
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