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Re: Setting up IV giving sets ahead of time

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Setting up IV giving sets ahead of time Re: Setting up IV giving sets ahead of time

Claire Rickard

Claire Rickard




Hi Terry

Here’s a good one for you.
In a study of solutions used in an emergency department,

15.4% of 669 bags were colonised after connection to the administration set
but prior

to patient connection (Carrasco

*et al. *2004).

Carrasco JAP, Prieto IC, Escorza JG, Sanchez JLA, Sanchez MMC, Bouza MR.

Physico-chemical stability and sterility of previously prepared saline

solutions for use in out-of-hospital emergencies.

*Resuscitation **62*, 199-207.

Best regards, Claire

*Professor Claire Rickard RN PhD* | +61 7 3735 6460 | Skype: clairexm1 | Twitter:
IVAD_Research |

Intravascular Access Device Research Group | NHMRC Centre of Research
Excellence in Nursing | Centre for Health Practice Innovation | Griffith
Health Institute | Griffith University
Visiting Scholar: Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital | Princess Alexandra
Hospital | The Prince Charles Hospital

Research frequently takes me off campus. Please contact Jenny Chan 3735
5406 ** or 3735 4886 with any urgent enquiries.

On 13 May 2013 14:55, Terry McAuley wrote:

> Hi everyone, ****
> ** **
> I am having trouble convincing the anaesthetists and the theatre nurses
> that it is not advisable for them to set up all the lines for all the
> patients on the theatre list first thing in the morning, let alone not
> putting the prepared bags and administration sets into a fluid warming
> cabinet.****
> ** **
> They want me to provide evidence to support my recommendation that IV
> lines be set up immediately prior to each patient. The Australian
> Guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare does not
> specify any requirements for this.****
> ** **
> Can anyone offer any advice, guidelines or evidence on this matter? ****
> ** **
> Thanks in anticipation.****
> ** **
> Regards****
> *Terry McAuley*****
> *Sterilisation & Infection Control Consultant*****
> *STEAM Consulting*****
> *Mob: +61 (0)438 109 692*****
> *E:*****
> *W:*****
> *A: PO BOX 779*****
> * Endeavour Hills *****
> * VIC Australia 3802*****
> ****
> *
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