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Re: Risk rating tool for infection control re MRO pts – can anyone advise

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Risk rating tool for infection control re MRO pts – can anyone advise Re: Risk rating tool for infection control re MRO pts – can anyone advise

Julie Hunt

Julie Hunt




Hi Lindy,

We don’t have anything here



Julie Hunt
Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
Tel 02 9926 7914 | Fax 02 9926 6161 |

>>> Lindy Ryan 20/10/2011 5:17 pm >>>

Dear Colleagues
I have been asked by my executive to check if anyone out there has
developed a formal tool for “rating infectious control patients. For
example an infectious patient with no drips /drains/ wound rated as a 1
where as a 3 for a patient with wounds /drips and drains?” that is used
by their their facility/service
apparently some one has one developed hence our executive putting this
forward as strategy to be considered for managing our bed block related
to infection control risk pts …..I would think they are largely
referring to MRSA pt’s.
anyhow any advice or if anyone knows of one or if there is any
literature or research supporting this approach for categorising pts
with an MRO using such a tool I would be most appreciative.
I am aware that pts without drains drips, good skin integrity etc may be
lower risk of picking/spreading MROs (as we all know) a but i have not
seen anything formalised or in concrete using a tool without the need
for clinical/ infection control consideration which is more what I was
after. I think my management are hoping for a one hat fits all approach
to managing infection control issues/pts after hours when Infection
control expertise is not available …hence me asking to see if anyone
has developed something that is safe and workable.
many thanks for any help
have a great day all

Lindy Ryan

Infection Control Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Control
Services, Nepean Hospital
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District PO Box 63 Penrith NSW 2751
Tel 02 4734 2228 | Fax 02 4734 2517 |

Infection prevention & control is everyone’s business


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10/20/11 – 17:17:39

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