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Thank you for your responses.
If you are interested in a summary of policies on returning explanted
devices to patients:
2 health services – returning explanted devices to patients is
discouraged, although considered under certain circumstances with the
patient signing a disclaimer. In this case the device is sterilised
1 health service- generally discouraged but if considered a risk
assessment is performed- if cannot be cleaned without risk- the device
is discarded
2 health services- never returned to patient
Department of Health WA operational directive as posted is very
comprehensive- photograhping the implant to give a copy of the photo to
the patient or if available, giving the patient an opened, unused
implant is a good way around the problem
Sue Borrell
Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
Infection Prevention & Hospital Epidemiology
t 03 90763139
m 0429 806356
e S.Borrell@alfred.org.au
Alfred Health
55 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
PO Box 315 Prahran
VIC 3181 Australia
Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and
Sandringham Hospital
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Behalf Of Borrell, Sue
to patients
Hi all,
Does anyone have a policy they would be willing to share on:
Returning explanted medical devices to patients?
Appreciate any responses to my email below and I will summarise for the
Sue Borrell
Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
Infection Prevention & Hospital Epidemiology
t 03 90763139
m 0429 806356
e S.Borrell@alfred.org.au
Alfred Health
55 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
PO Box 315 Prahran
VIC 3181 Australia
Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and
Sandringham Hospital
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