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Re: Reprocessing of Savary Gilliard dilators

#69737 Quote
Avatar photoMichael Wishart

Michael Wishart


St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside


Hi Joanna

STERRAD is a hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilisation process. During
sterilisation the hydrogen peroxide is not a gas state, it is a plasma
state (the so-called fourth state of matter – Sterilisation with
hydrogen peroxide plasma has quite different permeation and
sterilisation properties than gas sterilisation like EtO.

Michael Wishart

On 22/02/2013 17:38, Joanna Harris wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Michael. I may have not have written it clearly enough, but my question about the Sterrad relates to whether, in Australia, the Sterrad is considered a gas steriliser. My colleagues and I have always understood that the term gas steriliser refers to processing using Ethylene oxide rather than hydrogen peroxide in a Sterrad. I’m interested to hear others’ views
> Jo
> ________________________________________
> From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Michael Wishart []
> Sent: Friday, 22 February 2013 1:01 PM
> Subject: Re: Reprocessing of Savary Gilliard dilators
> Hi Joanna
> 1. We process our oesophageal dilators through our Soluscope 3 machines using glutaraldehyde, only in our Endoscopy Department.
> 2. We use a terminal rinse in the Soluscope 3 which includes an alcohol rinse through the lumens.
> 3. They are stored flat in their cases, and processed immediately before use. Emergency use is extremely rare here, but it would be almost impossible to process them immediately before emergency use.
> 4. Sterrad does provide sterilisation, but would possibly be unsuitable for these items due to composition and lumen length/diameter. We would need to get Sterrad and dilator manufacturer agreement they could be appropriately processed in Sterrad.
> Michael Wishart
> CNC Infection Control
> Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
> 627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
> t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226
> e:
> Please consider the environment before printing this email
> From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joanna Harris
> Sent: Friday, 22 February 2013 10:27 AM
> Subject: Reprocessing of Savary Gilliard dilators
> We are currently reviewing our reprocessing of Savary-Gilliard oesophageal dilators.
> Please could you tell me;
> 1. What process / machine / disinfectant agent are you currently using for reprocessing these items?
> 2. If a Steris machine is being used, do you use alcohol to flush the lumen prior to storage?
> 3. How do you store the items, and for how long after processing and before their re-use?
> 4. Do you consider the Sterrad system (using hydrogen peroxide) to be a gas steriliser?
> Thanks
> Joanna Harris
> Manager, | Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS)
> Level 1 Lawson House, Wollongong Hospital, Wollongong 2500, NSW
> Tel 02 4222 5898 | Fax 02 4222 5367 |
> [cid:image001.jpg@01CE10EF.8F8CF190]
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Michael Wishart
Infection Control Coordinator
St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside & St Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane
Brisbane, QLD