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To minimize the risk of generating aerosols caused by using small volume nebulizer (SVN), we recommend users to use spacer devices as far as possible. And if SVN is used, because it is a single use device (SUD), it is dedicated for this patient. When patient is discharged, we discard it.
Sony SO
Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
Kwong Wah Hospital
Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348 email:sony@ha.org.hk
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We have moved away from nebulisers and use spacers for MDI therapy or direct within an MDI adaptor within ventilator circuits for routine treatment with bronchodilators or steroid based preventatives for several years now. It tends to be more by exception that nebulisers would be used for a small patient group. Spacers are given to patients at discharge or in some clinics can be purchased.
Regards Maureen
Manager Infection Prevention and Control Unit and
Employee Exposure Immunisation Service
Peninsula Health
PO Box 52
Frankston Victoria 3199
Peninsula Health – Metropolitan Health Service of the Year 2007 & 2009
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