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Re: Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough Re: Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough

Paul Smollen

Paul Smollen





I agree with Matt and Terry. In addition the single units reduce water
consumption and in fact in across a number of government departments and
office towers in Sydney we use a waterless single mounted urinal. I have
had no reports or complaints from anyone about the waterless units.

Paul Smollen

Project Manager, HAI

Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
NSW 2000

T: (02) 9269 5586 l F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

Behalf Of Fiona de Sousa

Hi All,

We are currently considering bathroom furniture for male toilets and
there is a debate over floor troughs versus wall mounted single urinals.
I have been told that the floor mounted trough poses a greater infection
control risk for the spread of infection than the wall mounted urinal
but am unsure why this is. Has anyone else looked at this issue for
their facility and what was the outcome?

Kind Regards,

Fiona De Sousa

Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator

Sydney Adventist Hospital

185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076

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