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Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)
Hi Ingrid
In Tasmania, acute hospitals have infections rates for SAB, CDI, VRE,
hand hygiene etc published publicly. There are published on the
Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit’s website, which is
publicly available. The web address is very long so just do a search for
the unit on Google.
For the first few reports, we did media releases and worked with the
media in understanding the reports e.g. we gave them a presentation!
Mr Brett Mitchell (RN, BN, MSc, CICP, MRCNA)
Director of Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit (TIPCU)
—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Tribe, Ingrid (Health)
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates?
If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the
internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.au
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