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Joe-anne Bendall
They do provide comprehensive reports
It has data, fact sheets, immunisation information (if relevant to the disease), control guidelines and forms that are required
Joe-anne Bendall
Director Organisational Quality
RNS & Ryde Health Service
Royal North Shore Hospital
Ph 99265636
Mobile 0434186864
NSRHS Values
Mutual Respect, Compassion, Professionalism, Honesty, Trust and Accountability
>>> Craig Boutlis 18/02/2010 4:21 pm >>>
Not that I know (someone from public health might). I doubt it would be a function of the Bureau of Health Information.
In NSW, infection control (quality and safety) and communicable diseases (public health) are in separate branches of the health department.
—–Original Message—–
Additionally, Canada has a comprehensive web site for reporting communicable diseases activity. Is NSW planning something similar?
Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid) Coordinator, Infection Control Service Flinders Medical Centre Bedford Park South Australia 5042 Australia
T: 61-(0)8-8204 5051
F: 61-(0)8-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.au
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—–Original Message—–
Hello again Ingrid,
Forgive my second post, but I’ve just come across the best example of accessible public reporting that I’ve ever seen anywhere (suggest start with hospital reports / maps). What’s more, they’ve routinely included one of the most controversial indicators of performance routinely (the health standardised mortality rate). It’s well worth a look and I think it’s a worthy aspirational goal for all of us.
—–Original Message—–
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates? If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.au
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